• Abnormal Return The Effect of Quality of Earnings on Earnings Response Coefficients [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Absolute Nullity The Concept and Effects of Relative Nullity [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Adaptive Expectation Estimating marginal propensity to consume for income groups on the basis of relative permanent income hypothesis in Iran [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System Capability of models Support Vector Regression, Least Angle Regression and Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System for Earning Per Share forecasting [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 161-188]

  • Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) Evaluation and Comparison of Forecast Performance of Linear and Non-linear Methods for Daily Returns of Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 1-28]

  • Adjusted net saving Human Development and Sustainable Development in Selected Oil Exporting Countries [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Age Estimation of Education and Experience Effect on Personal Income [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Aggressive Business Strategy Corporate Governance and Aggressive Business Strategy of Companies [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 233-260]

  • AHP method Presenting an Efficient Model of Government Budget Allocation to The Provinces of The Country with a Combined Approach [(Articles in Press)]

  • Air Pollution The Relationship between Air Pollution and Economic Growth in 28 Provinces of Iran (The case study of CO, SO2 and NOX) [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Favorable Exchange Rate System for OPEC Oil Exporting Countries with Regard to the Effect of Exchange Rate Systems on Production and Price [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 1-42]

  • Anderson - Peterson method Ranking the Iranian provinces by technical efficiency of industrial sector by applying DEA method [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • ANFIS model Investigating and comparing the efficiency of econometric models (ARIMA and GARCH) and artificial intelligence (SVM and ANFIS) in predicting the price of cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin case study) [(Articles in Press)]

  • Anglo-Saxon banking Evaluating the Performance of Iran's Islamic Banking in Providing Venture Capital [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 40-68]

  • ANN Forecasting Iran's Non-Oil Exports Affected by the Exchange Rate Volatility Using Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) Model [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • ANN model Studying ant Prediction the Performance of Iran's Banking System by Using Kohonen, ANN and Panel data Models [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 153-174]

  • Annulment The Concept and Effects of Relative Nullity [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Anticipated Cash The Effect of Anticipated and Unanticipated Cash on Economic Growth of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2013]

  • ARDL The effects of anticipated and unanticipated stock return volatility on stock return of Automobile manufacturing industries in Tehran Stock Market [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • ARDL Approach Investigation the Effect of Open Market Operations on the Stability of Macroeconomic Variables in Iran, Emphasizing the Sanctions Conditions [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 68-98]

  • ARDL method Investigating the Effects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Raisin Export Quantity and Price [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • ARFIMA Model Evaluation of long-term memory Tehran Stock Exchange index [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 21-48]

  • ARIMA Forecasting Iran's Non-Oil Exports Affected by the Exchange Rate Volatility Using Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) Model [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • ARIMA Model Investigating and comparing the efficiency of econometric models (ARIMA and GARCH) and artificial intelligence (SVM and ANFIS) in predicting the price of cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin case study) [(Articles in Press)]

  • ARMS Index Investigating Economic and Behavioral Factors Affecting on the Growth of Stock Price Index in the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 47-71]

  • Army's Model The Optimal Size of Government in Point of View Achieving Maximum Economic Welfare in Iran [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 127-155]

  • Artificial neural network Modification Of Earning Manipulation Prediction Model With Emphasis On Environmental Variables And Hybrid Artificial Neural Network And Meta-Heuristic Algorithms [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 1-26]

  • Artistic and literary rights Legal Study on the Legal Protection of the Industrial Design (The Comparative Study of the Background and Concept) [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Asia- Pacific International Outsourcing, Human Capital Development and Economic Growth in Asia- Pacific Countries [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • Asset Prices Monetary Policy and Asset Prices Volatility in Iran [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012]

  • Asymmetric effect An Investigation of the Asymmetric Effects of Oil Price Fluctuations on the Composition of the Government's Expenditures in Iran (The application of Mork and Hamilton Definitions) [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2016]

  • Asymmetric Effects The Asymmetric Effects of the Oil Price Shocks on Iran Stock Market Price Index [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 29-56]

  • Asymmetric Response Model (ARM) A Study on Capital Asset Pricing Model with Different Approaches to Risk in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 146-166]

  • Asymmetry GARCH Model The Effect of Different Inflationary Regimes on the Dynamics of Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty in Iran [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 135-160]

  • Audit Committee Corporate Governance and Aggressive Business Strategy of Companies [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 233-260]

  • Audit Quality An Investigation into the Association between Ownership and the Decision to Switch the Auditor in TSE [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 64-90]

  • Audit Switching An Investigation into the Association between Ownership and the Decision to Switch the Auditor in TSE [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 64-90]

  • Augmented Trust A Survey of the Impact of Financial Development on the Relationship between Natural Resource Rents and Augmented Trust in Iran [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 137-166]

  • Auto Industry The effects of anticipated and unanticipated stock return volatility on stock return of Automobile manufacturing industries in Tehran Stock Market [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • Automotive Component Manufacturers The Impact of Financial Requriements Imposed by the IKCO on the Profitability of Automotive Component Manufacturers [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 230-248]

  • Automotive industry The Impacts of Monetary Macro Variables on Stock Price of Automotive Companies (Case Study of Tehran Stock Exchange) [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 187-210]

  • Auto Regression Model with Border Distribution Intervals Short-term and Long-run Effects of Income Inequality on Banking Crisis in Iran; ARDL Approach [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 47-77]

  • Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity Models The Relationship between Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty with an Emphasis on Rational Expectation in Iran [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 45-63]

  • Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model Impact of Financial Development on Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012]

  • Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Financial Assets Shortage in Iran [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 91-110]

  • Auto Regressive Distributed Lags Model Exploring the Effects of Monetary and Fiscal Policies on Value Added of Service Sector in Iran’s Economy [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 1-18]


  • Balassa–Samuelson effect Balassa–Samuelson effect in Iran [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 1-25]

  • Bank Stock Market in Economic Growth: The Case of MENA Countries [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 29-47]

  • Bank Ranking Effective Factors on Banking Resources in Semnan Province by Topsis Method [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 44-62]

  • Bank A comparative study of the efficiency of private and public banks with a parametric and non parametric approach using value added and earnings [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 256-291]

  • Bank Competition The Effect of Competition in Banking on the Stability of Banks [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 123-145]

  • Banking Identify the Earnings Management Tool Used in Free-Usury Banking in Iran: Comparative Evaluation of the Importance of LLP and STGL in the Cornett Approach [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 135-157]

  • Banking stigating the the impact of financial stability determinants with emphasis on the banking industry factors [(Articles in Press)]

  • Banking Crisis Short-term and Long-run Effects of Income Inequality on Banking Crisis in Iran; ARDL Approach [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 47-77]

  • Banking Imbalance Investigation the Effect of Mandatory Facilities on Inflation in the Iranian Economy by using the VAR model [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 164-200]

  • Banking industry The Comparative Study of Social Capital in Kerman City Public Banks [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Banking industry The Evaluation of the Relationship between Cost Efficiency and Competition in Iran’s Banking Industry [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 81-104]

  • Banking of Iran Presentation of a model for measuring the financial health in banking of [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 121-154]

  • Banking Performance The effect of banks' performance on the economic integration of provinces: an approach Spatial econometrics [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Banking Resources Ranking Effective Factors on Banking Resources in Semnan Province by Topsis Method [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 44-62]

  • Banking System A comparative study of the effectiveness of financing from the banking system and the stock market on the performance of firms [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 61-85]

  • Bank services Customer benefit sought segmentation of Mashhad’s bank market [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • Banks performance The effect of ownership structure and corporate governance on performance of banks: using structural equations approach [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 223-248]

  • Bank Stability The Effect of Competition in Banking on the Stability of Banks [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 123-145]

  • Bank system Determinants of Profitability inIran Banking System Emphasizing on Market Structure and Risk Taking Behavior [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 1-20]

  • Baumol – Tobin The Critically Evaluation of the Baumol – Tobin Inventory Theory of Money Demand [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 217-234]

  • Bayesian approach Examination of Affecting Factors on Iran’s Demand of Money with Utilizing Bayesian Model Averaging Approach [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2012]

  • Bayesian approach Portfolio optimization using the wavelet-based Bayesian MGARCH approach [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 133-164]

  • Bayesian Inference Analysis of the Association between Bank Credit and Economic Growth [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2016]

  • Bayesian Model Averaging Examination of Affecting Factors on Iran’s Demand of Money with Utilizing Bayesian Model Averaging Approach [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2012]

  • Bayesian Simulation Determination of Monetary Transmission Mechanism Channels in Iranian Economy by Using Simulation of Bayesian DSGE Model Based on Taylor Rule [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 33-66]

  • Bayesian vector auto regression The effect of monetary and real shocks on oil investment in Iran with Bayesian vector Auto-regression approach (BVAR) [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 86-115]

  • BDS test Investigation of Volatility of Stock Returns in the Tehran Stock Exchange Using Chaotic Systems [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2012]

  • BDS test An Investigation of the Chaos Complexity Theory in the Cost of Bahar Azadi Gold Coin in Iran [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2016]

  • Behavioral factors Investigating Economic and Behavioral Factors Affecting on the Growth of Stock Price Index in the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 47-71]

  • Behavior of Earnings Management Related Party Transactions and its Relationship with Effective or Opportunistic Behavior of Earnings Management [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 105-134]

  • BEKK-GARCH model Transmission of Volatility between Stock Markets of Iran, India and Turkey Using BEKK-GARCH Model [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 77-92]

  • Benefits sought Customer benefit sought segmentation of Mashhad’s bank market [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • Beneish model Development of Earning Manipulation Prediction Model Applying Hybrid Neural Network and Cosmology Based Algorithms [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 57-86]

  • Benford’s law Detection of money laundering activities in financial transactions by using data mining methods, Benford's law and GANs algorithm [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 327-358]

  • Benish Model Modification Of Earning Manipulation Prediction Model With Emphasis On Environmental Variables And Hybrid Artificial Neural Network And Meta-Heuristic Algorithms [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 1-26]

  • Bilateral import function The Estimation of Marquez’s Bilateral Import Function for Iran and Turkey by Using ARDL [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 232-258]

  • Bilateral trade Trade Potential for the Countries of the South West Asia Region Block [Volume 17, Issue 31, 2011]

  • Bitcoin Investigating the Dynamic Conditional Correlation Between Crude Oil and Bitcoin with an Emphasis on Covid-19 [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Price Prediction with GRU neural networks [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Blockchain Studying 'organizational maturity performance' in order to provide 'blockchain banking service' based on 'financial technology' (‘FinTech’) (on the basis of the ‘CMMI’ in ‘Parsian Bank’) [(Articles in Press)]

  • Board Composition The Relationship between Corporate Governance Mechanisms and Firm Performance after Initial Public Offerings: Evidence from Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • Board size The Impact of Corporate Governance Principles on the Credit Risk of Private and Public Banks in Iran [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 31-56]

  • Book Value Information Content of Book Value and Net Income in Weak and Strong Companies: An Empirical Study [Volume 17, Issue 30, 2011]

  • Boon index The Evaluation of the Relationship between Cost Efficiency and Competition in Iran’s Banking Industry [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 81-104]

  • Bounds Test Procedure Exploring the Effects of Monetary and Fiscal Policies on Value Added of Service Sector in Iran’s Economy [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 1-18]

  • Bound Test Examining Monetary Neutrality in Short-run and Long-run Considering Monetary Shocks in the Economy of Iran: Applying Bounds Testing Approach. [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 46-82]

  • Brand Legal Study on the Legal Protection of the Industrial Design (The Comparative Study of the Background and Concept) [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Budget allocation Presenting an Efficient Model of Government Budget Allocation to The Provinces of The Country with a Combined Approach [(Articles in Press)]

  • Budget deficit The Analysis of effect of economic instability (with emphasis on budgect deficit (surplus) on economic growth in Iran. [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2013]

  • Budget deficit Money Endogenous in Iran [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 1-21]

  • Budget deficit Investigating the Factors Affecting the Error of Predicting Iran Government Budget Expenditures [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Budget deficit Inflation, budget deficit and discretionary monetary policy (Within the framework of Nash equilibrium and mixed strategic games) [(Articles in Press)]

  • Business cycle Working capital management and profitability during the business cycles [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 181-204]

  • Business cycle The Role of the Central Bank in Creating Business Cycles in the Iranian Economy [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 1-32]

  • Business model of Banks Profitability Paradox in Iranian Commercial Banks Business Model: A Study Based on System Dynamics Methodology [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 197-242]

  • Business Process Management Studying 'organizational maturity performance' in order to provide 'blockchain banking service' based on 'financial technology' (‘FinTech’) (on the basis of the ‘CMMI’ in ‘Parsian Bank’) [(Articles in Press)]


  • Calibration Impact of Monetary Shocks on Economic Growth and Inflation in Iran –The Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Approach [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 1-29]

  • CAMELS index Presentation of a model for measuring the financial health in banking of [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 121-154]

  • CAN SLIM Selection of Top-Performing Stock Using CAN SLIM Strategy and Application of Ichimoku Clouds in Determining Time for Inclusion and Exclusion of Such Stock [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 77-108]

  • Capacity Market Feasibility Study of Commissioning a Power Capacity Market for High-Consuming Customers in Iran energy Stock [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 182-209]

  • Capacity Pricing Feasibility Study of Commissioning a Power Capacity Market for High-Consuming Customers in Iran energy Stock [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 182-209]

  • Capital Considering the short- and long run relationship between the variables of employment, coal consumption, capital and economic growth in Iran [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • Capital Adequecy Ratio Profitability Paradox in Iranian Commercial Banks Business Model: A Study Based on System Dynamics Methodology [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 197-242]

  • Capital Market Investigating the Perspective of OTC Institutional Investors and Brokers' in Relation to Variables of Affecting Promoting Shareholdings Culture in Iran [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 30-44]

  • Capital Market Investigating the Impact of Economic Variables on the Formation of Future marker Crude Oil [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 219-243]

  • Capital Market Investigating the effect of central bank independence on Capital market performance (Comparison of developed and developing countries) [(Articles in Press)]

  • Capital Market The effect of behavioral irregularities on investors' decision making in the capital market [(Articles in Press)]

  • Capital structure An Investigation of Determinants of Capital Structure of Affiliated and Unaffiliated firms in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 210-233]

  • Capital structure The role of stock market timing theory on the capital structure of companies active in the capital market: a case study of the electricity and power plant industry [(Articles in Press)]

  • Cash Conversion Cycle The Examination of the Relationship between the Modern Liquidity Indexes and the Cash Flow Ratios with Firms Profitability (Financial and Market-based Measures) [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2013]

  • Cash flow ratios The Examination of the Relationship between the Modern Liquidity Indexes and the Cash Flow Ratios with Firms Profitability (Financial and Market-based Measures) [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2013]

  • Cash Retention Investigating the Relationship between Cash Retention and Investment Efficiency in Companies in Financial Crisis Considering the Role of Corporate Governance [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Central Bank Examining the Functions of Central Bank’s Reaction Using Taylor’s Rule [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 155-180]

  • Central Bank Independence The Impact of Natural Resources Rent and Political Development on Central Bank Independence: Evidence from Oil Exporting Countries [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 193-222]

  • Central Bank Independence The Impact of Central Bank Transparency on Exchange Rate volatility in Selected OPEC Member Countries [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 72-109]

  • Central Bank Independence Investigating the effect of central bank independence on Capital market performance (Comparison of developed and developing countries) [(Articles in Press)]

  • Central bank targeting Monetary Policy and Asset Prices Volatility in Iran [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012]

  • CEO power The moderating effect of CEO power on the relationship between banking system fragility and interest rate divergence [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province The Comparative Advantage of Irrigated kolza Production in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Provience [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Chaos Theory Evaluation and Comparison of Forecast Performance of Linear and Non-linear Methods for Daily Returns of Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 1-28]

  • Chaos Theory An Investigation of the Chaos Complexity Theory in the Cost of Bahar Azadi Gold Coin in Iran [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2016]

  • Chaotic theory Investigation of Volatility of Stock Returns in the Tehran Stock Exchange Using Chaotic Systems [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2012]

  • Cheap sources of bank The Relationship between Inflation Uncertainty and the Bank Loan Facilities Granted [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 135-154]

  • Chicken and Egg An Assessment of Monopoly, Competition and Concentration in Iran's Market of Chicken and Egg [Volume 17, Issue 30, 2011]

  • Chow and Denning Multiple Variance Ratio Test Analysis of Oil Market Efficiency) the Case of OPEC ( [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012]

  • CIEWB Index The Optimal Size of Government in Point of View Achieving Maximum Economic Welfare in Iran [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 127-155]

  • Cluster analysis Customer benefit sought segmentation of Mashhad’s bank market [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • CO2 The Effect of Financial Development on CO2 Emissions in Iran [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 147-170]

  • Coal consumption Considering the short- and long run relationship between the variables of employment, coal consumption, capital and economic growth in Iran [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • Cob-Douglass production function The Role of Total Factor Productivity Growth in the Non-Oil Sector Growth of the Iranian Economy [Volume 17, Issue 31, 2011]

  • Cointegration vector The Estimation of Marquez’s Bilateral Import Function for Iran and Turkey by Using ARDL [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 232-258]

  • COMFAR Software Financial Evaluation of Electricity Generation Using Solar Energy in Iran [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 105-126]

  • COMFAR Software Economic Evaluation of Electricity Generation Using Wind Energy by the Private Sectorin Iran [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 85-106]

  • Commercial Banking System of Iran The Optimum Scale Activity and Stability of Pure Technical Efficiency in the Commercial Banking System of Iran with DEA Window Analysis (1991-2006) [Volume 17, Issue 34, 2011]

  • Commercial risk Assessing the Relationship between Commercial Risk and Volume of Opening of Letter of Credit in Iran International Trade Logistic Smooth Transition Regression Approach [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 348-378]

  • Commitment to Change Impact of Contextual Factors of Change on Commitment to Change in Process of Privatization in Organizations [Volume 17, Issue 34, 2011]

  • Common Currency The Impact of Common Currency on Trade in Islamic Countries during 1990-2010 [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 1-28]

  • Company market timing theory The role of stock market timing theory on the capital structure of companies active in the capital market: a case study of the electricity and power plant industry [(Articles in Press)]

  • Company performance The Mediating Effect of Overconfidence of managers on the Relationship between Attribution Bias and Performance of Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Comparable firms The Comparison of the Denoted Price in Government Firms Including Privatization with Two Models , Growth Index Model of the Value and Price-Book Value of Stock Model of Similar Firms [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Comparative Advantage The Comparative Advantage of Irrigated kolza Production in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Provience [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Compensation The Effects of Insurance Industry Development on Economic Growth and Income Distribution in Iran [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 1-26]

  • Competition An Assessment of Monopoly, Competition and Concentration in Iran's Market of Chicken and Egg [Volume 17, Issue 30, 2011]

  • Competition The Evaluation of the Relationship between Cost Efficiency and Competition in Iran’s Banking Industry [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 81-104]

  • Competition stigating the the impact of financial stability determinants with emphasis on the banking industry factors [(Articles in Press)]

  • Competitiveness Informal Employment and Competitiveness of Low-Technology Industries [Volume 17, Issue 34, 2011]

  • Composite indicator Assessing the performance of development banking in Iran's economy; Using a composite Indicator [(Articles in Press)]

  • Comprehensive Framework for Strategy Formulation Utilizing Comprehensive Framework for Strategy Formulation to Improve National Innovation System of Iran [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 259-286]

  • Comprehensive Liquidity Index The Examination of the Relationship between the Modern Liquidity Indexes and the Cash Flow Ratios with Firms Profitability (Financial and Market-based Measures) [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2013]

  • Compulsory Loan Investigation the Effect of Mandatory Facilities on Inflation in the Iranian Economy by using the VAR model [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 164-200]

  • Concentration Ratios An Assessment of Monopoly, Competition and Concentration in Iran's Market of Chicken and Egg [Volume 17, Issue 30, 2011]

  • Consumer price index The Impacts of Monetary Macro Variables on Stock Price of Automotive Companies (Case Study of Tehran Stock Exchange) [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 187-210]

  • Consumption expenditure inequality Study of the Asymmetric Relation Between Income Inequality and Consumption Expenditure Inequality in Iran, 1979-2006 [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Contingent valuation method Comparing WTP and Rationtioning Energy Policies for Gazoline and Dual-Consumption Automobiles in Mashhad [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 156-181]

  • Contract The Concept and Effects of Relative Nullity [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Convenience Yield Investigation of Convenience Yield Effects on Oil Extraction in Sandy Oil Field: Application of Real Option [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 45-83]

  • Copula Mixed- Asset Portfolio Optimization [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 249-278]

  • Corporate Entrepreneurship Exploring The Elements of Corporate Entrepreneurship and Investigating Its Relationship with Performance of Social Security Organization Subsidiary and Affiliate Companies [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 83-110]

  • Corporate Finance Application of Matching Theory in Finance; Market Design with the Purpose of Corporate Finance at Different Stages of Life Cycle Based on the Matching Theory [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 67-104]

  • Corporate governance index Presentation of a model for measuring the financial health in banking of [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 121-154]

  • Corporate governance system Development of Earning Manipulation Prediction Model Applying Hybrid Neural Network and Cosmology Based Algorithms [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 57-86]

  • Corporate Life Cycle Application of Matching Theory in Finance; Market Design with the Purpose of Corporate Finance at Different Stages of Life Cycle Based on the Matching Theory [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 67-104]

  • Corporate reputation Investigating the moderating role of tax avoidance on the relationship between corporate reputation and implicit cost of capital [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 105-126]

  • Correlation The Relationship between Inflation Uncertainty and the Bank Loan Facilities Granted [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 135-154]

  • Corruption Regulatory Bodies Overseeing State Financial Contracts and Their Challenges [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2012]

  • Corruption Innovating a Modern Model for Estimating the Amount of Money Laundering in Iran (The Application of Numerical and Inverse Problem Methods in Economy) [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 215-238]

  • Corruption The effect of liquidity on the corruption in the selected countries of MENA region [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 165-192]

  • Cosmology algorithms Development of Earning Manipulation Prediction Model Applying Hybrid Neural Network and Cosmology Based Algorithms [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 57-86]

  • Cost of Equity Analysis of Social Sustainability Performance and its impact on the cost of equity in companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 155-196]

  • Cost of refer to the bank The Critically Evaluation of the Baumol – Tobin Inventory Theory of Money Demand [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 217-234]

  • Covid- 19 Investigating the Dynamic Conditional Correlation Between Crude Oil and Bitcoin with an Emphasis on Covid-19 [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Cox model The Study of Factors Affecting on Credit Risk of Bank Customers Using Non-Parametric and Semi-Parametric Survival Analysis Models [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 88-123]

  • CPI Index The Relationship between Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty with an Emphasis on Rational Expectation in Iran [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 45-63]

  • Creativity Exploring The Elements of Corporate Entrepreneurship and Investigating Its Relationship with Performance of Social Security Organization Subsidiary and Affiliate Companies [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 83-110]

  • Credit Capacity Comparison of Performance Classical and Neural Networks Models for Estimation Credit risk and Capacity Customers: Evidence from Tejarat bank [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 88-115]

  • Credit Risk Comparison of Performance Classical and Neural Networks Models for Estimation Credit risk and Capacity Customers: Evidence from Tejarat bank [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 88-115]

  • Credit Risk Determinants of Customer’s Credit Risks in Commercial Banks (Case Study: Tejarat Bank of Neka, Mazandaran Province) [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2016]

  • Credit Risk The Study of Factors Affecting on Credit Risk of Bank Customers Using Non-Parametric and Semi-Parametric Survival Analysis Models [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 88-123]

  • Credit Risk The Impact of Corporate Governance Principles on the Credit Risk of Private and Public Banks in Iran [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 31-56]

  • Credit Risk Designing the overflow model of probability of financial helplessness in Iran's banking system with the approach of multivariable DCC-GARCH [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 158-186]

  • Credit risk, Sensitivity analysis Analysing the effects of macroeconomic variables on bank's credit risk [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 175-199]

  • Cross-Sectional Data Investigation of Simultaneous Effect of Some Factors on Poverty and Income of the Household and the Head of Household’s Economic Activity Status [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 171-189]

  • Crude oil Investigating the Dynamic Conditional Correlation Between Crude Oil and Bitcoin with an Emphasis on Covid-19 [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Culture Investigatinng and Specifying the Development of Tourism Industry in Golestan Province [Volume 17, Issue 30, 2011]

  • Currency substitution Welfare Effects of Currency Substitution in Iran (1959-2013) [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 251-274]

  • Current Government Expenditures Foreign Exchange rate Volatilies, Government Debt to the Banks and Current Government Spending: Wavelet Transform approach [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 1-28]

  • Customer relationship performance Growth and Development of Financial and Non-Financial Performance in the Insurance Industry Through Relational Marketing Tactics [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 137-167]

  • Customer relationship quality Growth and Development of Financial and Non-Financial Performance in the Insurance Industry Through Relational Marketing Tactics [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 137-167]

  • CVaR Mixed- Asset Portfolio Optimization [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 249-278]


  • Data Envelopment Analysis Ranking the Iranian provinces by technical efficiency of industrial sector by applying DEA method [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • Data Envelopment Analysis The Optimum Scale Activity and Stability of Pure Technical Efficiency in the Commercial Banking System of Iran with DEA Window Analysis (1991-2006) [Volume 17, Issue 34, 2011]

  • Data Envelopment Analysis Consideration of Performance Changes in Outsourcing Process Power Distribution Company in Mashhad [Volume 17, Issue 34, 2011]

  • Data Envelopment Analysis A comparative study of the efficiency of private and public banks with a parametric and non parametric approach using value added and earnings [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 256-291]

  • Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Evaluating the Energy Efficiency of the Companies Admitted to Tehran Stock Exchange (A Case Study: Cement Industry) [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 106-120]

  • Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Assessing the Effectiveness of Insurance Companies in Terms of Human, Technical and Financial Dimensions in Order to Empower the Insurance Industry [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 167-192]

  • Data fusion Cryptocurrency Price Prediction with GRU neural networks [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Data mining Detection of money laundering activities in financial transactions by using data mining methods, Benford's law and GANs algorithm [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 327-358]

  • DCC Mixed- Asset Portfolio Optimization [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 249-278]

  • DCC Model The Study of Financial Contagion among Stock Market, Exchange and Gold Coin in Iran [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2016]

  • DEA The Study of Efficiency of Comercial and Specialized Banking System in Small and Medium Enterprises on the Development of Cooperation (Ardebil Province) [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2013]

  • DEA Investigating Efficiency of Mellat Bank Branches in the North Khorasan Province by Using DEA ApproachKhorasan Province Using DEA Approach [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 74-99]

  • Debt Financing The Effect of Resources Financing and Interlocking Stockholders on the Tehran Stock Exchange Market’s Response to Reported Earnings of Companies [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 116-135]

  • Debt Sustainability Government Debt Sustainability in Iran: New Evidence from a Fiscal Reaction Function (FRF) [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 1-29]

  • Decision-Making Centers Investigatinng and Specifying the Development of Tourism Industry in Golestan Province [Volume 17, Issue 30, 2011]

  • Degree of Concentration The Effect of Competition in Banking on the Stability of Banks [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 123-145]

  • Demand of money Examination of Affecting Factors on Iran’s Demand of Money with Utilizing Bayesian Model Averaging Approach [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2012]

  • Deregulation The Impact of Restructuring on Efficiency of the Iran’s Electricity Industry [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Deregulation RBC Theory and the Current Financial Crisis [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2012]

  • Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) An Examination of Foreign Exchange Market Efficiency Hypothesis: A Case Study of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • Developed countries Impact of Globalization on the Development of Commercial Insurance: A Comparative Study Between Perspective Countries of Iran and Developed Countries [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 47-82]

  • Development of Financial Markets Investigation the Applicability of Floating Securities in Order to Develop Financial System of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 67-85]

  • Development oriented Assessing the performance of development banking in Iran's economy; Using a composite Indicator [(Articles in Press)]

  • Discretionary Accruals Related Party Transactions and its Relationship with Effective or Opportunistic Behavior of Earnings Management [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 105-134]

  • Discretionary policy Inflation, budget deficit and discretionary monetary policy (Within the framework of Nash equilibrium and mixed strategic games) [(Articles in Press)]

  • Distribution Income The Impact of Labor Force Productivity on Income (Distribution for Selected Countries) [Volume 17, Issue 31, 2011]

  • Distribution Interruptions The Effects of Insurance Industry Development on Economic Growth and Income Distribution in Iran [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 1-26]

  • DSGE model Designing Optimum Monetary and Fiscal Policies of Iran Under Uncertainty in Micro-Founded Macroeconomic Model [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2013]

  • DSGE model Impact of Monetary Shocks on Economic Growth and Inflation in Iran –The Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Approach [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 1-29]

  • DSGE model Determination of Monetary Transmission Mechanism Channels in Iranian Economy by Using Simulation of Bayesian DSGE Model Based on Taylor Rule [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 33-66]

  • Dummy variable Analysing the effects of macroeconomic variables on bank's credit risk [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 175-199]

  • Dynamic Averaging A new approach to modeling factors affecting housing prices (TVP-DMA&TVP-FAVAR approach) [(Articles in Press)]

  • Dynamic Conditional Correlation (DCC-GARCH) Investigating the Dynamic Conditional Correlation Between Crude Oil and Bitcoin with an Emphasis on Covid-19 [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Dynamic Panel The Effect of Financial Development on Labor Productivity: Co-integration Application in Dynamic Panel Data [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 252-271]

  • Dynamic Panel Data Model How the Independence of Central Bank Is Effective on the Financial Stability in Emerging Markets Countries? [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 132-151]

  • Dynamic Panel Model Survey Relation between Finance Development and Energy Demand in Selective Countries with Dynamic Panel [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 150-174]

  • Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models (DSGE) The impact of Tax Shocks on the Iranian Official and Underground Economy within the Framework of Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models (DSGE) [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 111-134]


  • Earning Identify the Earnings Management Tool Used in Free-Usury Banking in Iran: Comparative Evaluation of the Importance of LLP and STGL in the Cornett Approach [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 135-157]

  • Earning Per Share Capability of models Support Vector Regression, Least Angle Regression and Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System for Earning Per Share forecasting [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 161-188]

  • Earnings Announcements The Survey of Effective Factors on the Timeliness of Annual Earnings Announcements in Listed Firms in Tehran stock Exchange [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 86-105]

  • Earnings management Identify the Earnings Management Tool Used in Free-Usury Banking in Iran: Comparative Evaluation of the Importance of LLP and STGL in the Cornett Approach [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 135-157]

  • Earnings Response Coefficient The Effect of Quality of Earnings on Earnings Response Coefficients [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • East Azerbaijan Privatization in the East Azerbaijan's Telecommunications Company and its Impact on Cost Reduction [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • Ecological footprint Investigating the effect of economic complexity and political stability on inflation (Evidence from developing Asian countries) [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Economic Activity Status Investigation of Simultaneous Effect of Some Factors on Poverty and Income of the Household and the Head of Household’s Economic Activity Status [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 171-189]

  • Economic Complexity Investigating the effect of economic complexity and political stability on inflation (Evidence from developing Asian countries) [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Economic Development Evaluation of the Financial Development Effect on Environmental Pollution of the selected Petroleum Exporting Countries with the Emphasis on Good Governance [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 133-158]

  • Economic Evaluation An Economic Evaluation of Road Passengers Transport Vehicles in Mazandaran [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012]

  • Economic Evaluation Economic Evaluation of Electricity Generation Using Wind Energy by the Private Sectorin Iran [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 85-106]

  • Economic Factors Investigating Economic and Behavioral Factors Affecting on the Growth of Stock Price Index in the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 47-71]

  • Economic Growth International Outsourcing, Human Capital Development and Economic Growth in Asia- Pacific Countries [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • Economic Growth Impact of Inflation Uncertainty on Iran Economic Growth (Using EGARCH and VECM methods (1971-2007)) [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • Economic Growth The Effects of research & development expenditures on patent flow and economic growth: A comparative analysis between developed and developing countries [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • Economic Growth The relationship between private investment and economic growth in Iran (With emphasis on endogenous economic growth model) [Volume 17, Issue 30, 2011]

  • Economic Growth The Relationship between Air Pollution and Economic Growth in 28 Provinces of Iran (The case study of CO, SO2 and NOX) [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Economic Growth Impact of Financial Development on Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012]

  • Economic Growth The Effect of Anticipated and Unanticipated Cash on Economic Growth of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2013]

  • Economic Growth The Importance of Trading Partners’ Economic Growth on Economic Growth: the Case Study of OPEC Member Countries [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • Economic Growth Considering the short- and long run relationship between the variables of employment, coal consumption, capital and economic growth in Iran [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • Economic Growth Rate of returns expenditure research and development and physical investment in the Economic of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • Economic Growth An Empirical Study of the Relationship between Investment and Economic Growth the Case Study of Target Countries of Twenty-Year Vision Document [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 211-232]

  • Economic Growth Causality Relationship between Energy Consumption, Economic Growth and Prices: using Panel Data OPEC Member Countries [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 233-255]

  • Economic Growth Stock Market in Economic Growth: The Case of MENA Countries [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 29-47]

  • Economic Growth A Survey on the Possible Causality Relationship and the Impacts of Innovation on Economic Growth in Selected MENA Countries [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 22-39]

  • Economic Growth The position of Education to Relation with Economic Development in Developing Countries (The Selection Countries) [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 201-224]

  • Economic Growth The Effects of Insurance Industry Development on Economic Growth and Income Distribution in Iran [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 45-76]

  • Economic Growth Study the Role of Macroeconomic Stability Budgetary Indices on Financial Development-Economic Growth Nexus in Iran [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 105-136]

  • Economic Growth Investigation of the Effect of Economic Adjustment Policies on Iran's Economic Growth Fluctuations [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 1-29]

  • Economic Growth The effect of banks' performance on the economic integration of provinces: an approach Spatial econometrics [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Economic Growth Investigating long-term and short-term effects of financial efficiency and financial depth on economic growth [(Articles in Press)]

  • Economic Sectors Studying the Effect of Financial Friction and Development Shocks on Knowledge Base Index of Economic Sectors in Iran [(Articles in Press)]

  • Economic Uncertainty Measuring the Media-based Economic Uncertainty index by Machine Learning Algorithms in Iran and its Effect on the Exchange Rate [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 1-46]

  • Economic Welfare The Optimal Size of Government in Point of View Achieving Maximum Economic Welfare in Iran [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 127-155]

  • Economic Welfare Fiscal deficit and tax policies and their impact on economic indicators with regard to the government's sovereign role; The SVAR approach [(Articles in Press)]

  • Economy of Iran Impact of Financial Development on Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012]

  • Economy of Iran Innovating a Modern Model for Estimating the Amount of Money Laundering in Iran (The Application of Numerical and Inverse Problem Methods in Economy) [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 215-238]

  • Education Estimation of Education and Experience Effect on Personal Income [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Education Investigating the status of sustainable development indicators in Ahvaz preschool curriculum [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Effective Tax Rate The Relationship between Components of Ownership Structure and Tax Aggressiveness and moderating role of Firms’ Financial Performance [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 243-266]

  • Efficiency The Optimum Scale Activity and Stability of Pure Technical Efficiency in the Commercial Banking System of Iran with DEA Window Analysis (1991-2006) [Volume 17, Issue 34, 2011]

  • Efficiency The Effect of Macroeconomic Stability State on Efficiency in the Banking Industry (MENA Countries) [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2013]

  • Efficiency The Study of Efficiency of Comercial and Specialized Banking System in Small and Medium Enterprises on the Development of Cooperation (Ardebil Province) [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2013]

  • Efficiency Evaluating the Energy Efficiency of the Companies Admitted to Tehran Stock Exchange (A Case Study: Cement Industry) [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 106-120]

  • Efficiency A comparative study of the efficiency of private and public banks with a parametric and non parametric approach using value added and earnings [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 256-291]

  • Efficiency Assessing the performance of development banking in Iran's economy; Using a composite Indicator [(Articles in Press)]

  • Efficient border Portfolio optimization using the wavelet-based Bayesian MGARCH approach [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 133-164]

  • Efficient Earnings Management Related Party Transactions and its Relationship with Effective or Opportunistic Behavior of Earnings Management [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 105-134]

  • Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) An Examination of Foreign Exchange Market Efficiency Hypothesis: A Case Study of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • EGARCH The analysis of volatility of gold coin price fluctuations in Iran using ARCH models [Volume 17, Issue 30, 2011]

  • EGARCH The Effect of Real Exchange Rate Volatility on the Export of Iran’s Petrochemicals: Markov-Switching Approach [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 202-231]

  • EGARCH Review the degree of exchange rate fluctuation on import prices under environmental conditions: with emphasis on dietary changes [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 267-292]

  • Electricity The Impact of Restructuring on Efficiency of the Iran’s Electricity Industry [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Electricity intensive The Impact of Restructuring on Efficiency of the Iran’s Electricity Industry [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Electronic money The Critically Evaluation of the Baumol – Tobin Inventory Theory of Money Demand [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 217-234]

  • Emotional Involvement Impact of Contextual Factors of Change on Commitment to Change in Process of Privatization in Organizations [Volume 17, Issue 34, 2011]

  • Endogenous Growth The Effect of Anticipated and Unanticipated Cash on Economic Growth of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2013]

  • Energy Consumption Causality Relationship between Energy Consumption, Economic Growth and Prices: using Panel Data OPEC Member Countries [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 233-255]

  • Energy Consumption Survey Relation between Finance Development and Energy Demand in Selective Countries with Dynamic Panel [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 150-174]

  • Energy Intensity A Survey of the Effect of Production Factors on Energy Consumption Intensity in Iran: An Analysis Based on Cobb–Douglas Production Function [Volume 17, Issue 34, 2011]

  • Energy Supply Resources Look at the Causes Determined Political Economy of Oil and Gas in the Persian Gulf and the Strategy of Industrialized Countries Toward it [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Environmental Kuznets Curve The Effect of Financial Development on CO2 Emissions in Iran [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 147-170]

  • Environmental Kuznets Curve, Panel data, Iran The Relationship between Air Pollution and Economic Growth in 28 Provinces of Iran (The case study of CO, SO2 and NOX) [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Environmental Quality Knowledge Based Economy and Sustainable Development [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Equilibrium Exchange Rate Misalignment The effect of equilibrium exchange rate deviations on Iraq foreign trade [(Articles in Press)]

  • EVT Mixed- Asset Portfolio Optimization [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 249-278]

  • Excess Return The Survey of relationship between risk and stock return in Tehran Securities Exchange : Study of momentum effect and liquidity Premium [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 48-104]

  • Exchange Rate Investigating the Effects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Raisin Export Quantity and Price [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Exchange Rate Monetary Policy and Asset Prices Volatility in Iran [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012]

  • Exchange Rate The Impacts of Monetary Macro Variables on Stock Price of Automotive Companies (Case Study of Tehran Stock Exchange) [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 187-210]

  • Exchange Rate The Study of Financial Contagion among Stock Market, Exchange and Gold Coin in Iran [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2016]

  • Exchange Rate The Impact of Exchange Rate Uncertainty on the Demand for Money in Iran [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2016]

  • Exchange Rate Money Endogenous in Iran [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 1-21]

  • Exchange Rate Comparing the Influential of Stock Return of Selected Exporter and Importer Industries from the Exchange Rate Fluctuations [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 93-132]

  • Exchange Rate Studying the Asymmetric Effects of Exchange Rate on the Return of Selective Industries in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 167-200]

  • Exchange Rate Investigating the Relationship Between Interest Rate and the Exchange Rate in the Economy of Iran Using Ultra-Innovative Algorithms [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 73-94]

  • Exchange Rate The Effect of Exchange Fluctuations on the Petroleum Products Stock Index by using MS-VAR [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 153-177]

  • Exchange Rate Measuring the Media-based Economic Uncertainty index by Machine Learning Algorithms in Iran and its Effect on the Exchange Rate [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 1-46]

  • Exchange Rate Investigating the effect of shock of macroeconomic variables on the performance of the country's banking system: [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 1-32]

  • Exchange Rate Studying the Effect of Monetary Policies on Exchange Rate and its Effects on Total Welfare (Application of Recursive Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium) [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 35-67]

  • Exchange Rate The Impact of Monetary Policy Shocks from the Exchange Rate Channel on the Health of Iran's Banking System [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 99-134]

  • Exchange Rate Deviation Estimation of Nominal Exchange Rate Deviation from Long-Run Equilibrium Path [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 183-207]

  • Exchange Rate Fluctuations The Effect of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on the Stock Market Index and the Price of Gold Coins [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 57-73]

  • Exchange Rate Regimes A Survey of the Effects of Trade Shocks on Macroeconomics Variables in Different Exchange Rate Regimes by Using Structural VAR in Developing Countries [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 59-87]

  • Exchange Rate Regimes Examining the Effective Factors in Exchange Rate Regimes in Developing Countries [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 225-250]

  • Exchange Rate Shocks Study on the Impacts of Exchange Rate Shocks and Gap of GDP on Inflation in Iran [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Exchange rate volatility The Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on Foreign Direct Invesment in Iran [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2016]

  • Exchange rate volatility The Impact of Central Bank Transparency on Exchange Rate volatility in Selected OPEC Member Countries [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 72-109]

  • Executive Financial surveillance Regulatory Bodies Overseeing State Financial Contracts and Their Challenges [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2012]

  • Experience Estimation of Education and Experience Effect on Personal Income [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Experience Investigating the Effect of Saving Experience on Individuals’ Time Preferences [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 69-89]

  • Experimental economic Investigating the Effect of Saving Experience on Individuals’ Time Preferences [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 69-89]

  • Exponential Generalised Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (EGARCH) model The Relationship Between Inflation – Output Volatility in IRAN [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2012]

  • Exporter Industries Comparing the Influential of Stock Return of Selected Exporter and Importer Industries from the Exchange Rate Fluctuations [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 93-132]

  • Export of petrochemicals The Effect of Real Exchange Rate Volatility on the Export of Iran’s Petrochemicals: Markov-Switching Approach [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 202-231]

  • Export Price Investigating the Effects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Raisin Export Quantity and Price [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Export Quality Investigating the effect of economic complexity and political stability on inflation (Evidence from developing Asian countries) [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Export Quantity Investigating the Effects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Raisin Export Quantity and Price [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Exports of non-oil goods The relationship between private investment and economic growth in Iran (With emphasis on endogenous economic growth model) [Volume 17, Issue 30, 2011]

  • External Balance Estimation of Nominal Exchange Rate Deviation from Long-Run Equilibrium Path [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 183-207]


  • Factor analysis Customer benefit sought segmentation of Mashhad’s bank market [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • Factor analysis Investigating the status of sustainable development indicators in Ahvaz preschool curriculum [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Factor-Augmented Bayesian Vector Autoregressive model Analysis of policy passivity in Iranian Economy Using Factor-Augmented Bayesian Vector Autoregressive Model (FABVAR) [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 152-181]

  • FAVAR The Impact of Monetary Policy Shocks from the Exchange Rate Channel on the Health of Iran's Banking System [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 99-134]

  • FDI The Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on Foreign Direct Invesment in Iran [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2016]

  • Financial Asset Shortage Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Financial Assets Shortage in Iran [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 91-110]

  • Financial Contagion The Study of Financial Contagion among Stock Market, Exchange and Gold Coin in Iran [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2016]

  • Financial Crisis Investigating the Relationship between Cash Retention and Investment Efficiency in Companies in Financial Crisis Considering the Role of Corporate Governance [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Financial depth Investigating long-term and short-term effects of financial efficiency and financial depth on economic growth [(Articles in Press)]

  • Financial development Impact of Financial Development on Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012]

  • Financial development The Relationship between Financial Development and Private Investment in Iran Economy [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • Financial development The Impact of Trade Openness on Financial Development for selected Developing Countries during the Period 1990-2008 [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • Financial development The Effect of Financial Development on CO2 Emissions in Iran [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 147-170]

  • Financial development A Study on the Role of Institutional Quality in Financial Development of Selected OIC Countries [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 26-45]

  • Financial development Survey Relation between Finance Development and Energy Demand in Selective Countries with Dynamic Panel [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 150-174]

  • Financial development The Effect of Financial Development on Labor Productivity: Co-integration Application in Dynamic Panel Data [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 252-271]

  • Financial development Investigating the Role of Financial Development on the Effects of Natural Resource Rents on other Kinds of Capital in Iran [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 30-68]

  • Financial development The Impact of Good Governance on the Relationship between Resource Abundance and Financial Development in Oil Countries [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 90-114]

  • Financial development The Effects of Insurance Industry Development on Economic Growth and Income Distribution in Iran [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 1-26]

  • Financial development A Survey of the Impact of Financial Development on the Relationship between Natural Resource Rents and Augmented Trust in Iran [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 137-166]

  • Financial development Evaluation of the Asymmetric Impacts of Fiscal Policy and Trade Development on Financial Development in Iran Using the NARDL Nonlinear Model [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 101-134]

  • Financial development Study the Role of Macroeconomic Stability Budgetary Indices on Financial Development-Economic Growth Nexus in Iran [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 105-136]

  • Financial development Prioritization of factors affecting the provision of credit services to applicants for local letter of credit as a solution for the financial development of commercial banks [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 223-255]

  • Financial development Designing a modle for prioritizing Rial letter of credit applicants: a solution for developing the credit services in Bank Saderat of Iran [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Financial development Studying the Effect of Financial Friction and Development Shocks on Knowledge Base Index of Economic Sectors in Iran [(Articles in Press)]

  • Financial development The Nonlinear Effects of Globalization and Inflation Components on Financial Development in Iran: Markov Switching Approach (with Emphasis on Banking Credits) [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 291-313]

  • Financial efficiency Investigating long-term and short-term effects of financial efficiency and financial depth on economic growth [(Articles in Press)]

  • Financial friction Studying the Effect of Financial Friction and Development Shocks on Knowledge Base Index of Economic Sectors in Iran [(Articles in Press)]

  • Financial health Presentation of a model for measuring the financial health in banking of [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 121-154]

  • Financial Index Evaluation of long-term memory Tehran Stock Exchange index [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 21-48]

  • Financial Institutions Investigate the failure of the privatization of the financial intermediaries (financial institutions) with patterns of organizational development [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2016]

  • Financial market Transmission of Volatility between Stock Markets of Iran, India and Turkey Using BEKK-GARCH Model [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 77-92]

  • Financial markets RBC Theory and the Current Financial Crisis [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2012]

  • Financial markets The Impact of Trade Openness on Financial Development for selected Developing Countries during the Period 1990-2008 [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • Financial markets Stock Market in Economic Growth: The Case of MENA Countries [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 29-47]

  • Financial Markets and Financial Institutions Microfinance an Approach for Increasing Output in the Agricultural Sector and Poverty Reduction in Rural Areas [Volume 17, Issue 30, 2011]

  • Financial Performance Assessing the Effectiveness of Insurance Companies in Terms of Human, Technical and Financial Dimensions in Order to Empower the Insurance Industry [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 167-192]

  • Financial Performance Exploring The Elements of Corporate Entrepreneurship and Investigating Its Relationship with Performance of Social Security Organization Subsidiary and Affiliate Companies [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 83-110]

  • Financial Policy Evaluation of the Asymmetric Impacts of Fiscal Policy and Trade Development on Financial Development in Iran Using the NARDL Nonlinear Model [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 101-134]

  • Financial Ratio of Companies Performance Analysis of Companies, Transferred to Private Sector (through stock exchange) During the Third Development Plan [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Financial Requirements The Impact of Financial Requriements Imposed by the IKCO on the Profitability of Automotive Component Manufacturers [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 230-248]

  • Financial Stability How the Independence of Central Bank Is Effective on the Financial Stability in Emerging Markets Countries? [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 132-151]

  • Financial Stability The Effect of Competition in Banking on the Stability of Banks [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 123-145]

  • Financial Stability stigating the the impact of financial stability determinants with emphasis on the banking industry factors [(Articles in Press)]

  • Financial technology Designing the Entrepreneurial Model of Technological Businesses in the Banking Industry with the Approach of Structural-Interpretive Equations [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 314-347]

  • Financing Instruments Application of Matching Theory in Finance; Market Design with the Purpose of Corporate Finance at Different Stages of Life Cycle Based on the Matching Theory [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 67-104]

  • Fintech Designing the Entrepreneurial Model of Technological Businesses in the Banking Industry with the Approach of Structural-Interpretive Equations [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 314-347]

  • Firm Performance The Relationship between Corporate Governance Mechanisms and Firm Performance after Initial Public Offerings: Evidence from Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • Firm value Information Content of Book Value and Net Income in Weak and Strong Companies: An Empirical Study [Volume 17, Issue 30, 2011]

  • Fiscal Reaction Function Government Debt Sustainability in Iran: New Evidence from a Fiscal Reaction Function (FRF) [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 1-29]

  • Fisher relation Empirical Analysis of Existence of the Mundell's Relationship between Interest Rate and Inflation in Iran: A State-Space Approach [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 219-238]

  • Fltham - Ohlsen (1995)valuation model Investigation of relation between intrinsic value and return of stock in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Forecasting Error Investigating the Factors Affecting the Error of Predicting Iran Government Budget Expenditures [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Foreign Exchange Examining the Price Bubbles in Iran’s Foreign Exchange Market Using Nonlinear State Space Model: An Application of Sigma-Point Kalman Filter (SPKF) [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 33-50]

  • Foreign Exchange Market An Examination of Foreign Exchange Market Efficiency Hypothesis: A Case Study of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • Foreign trade The effect of equilibrium exchange rate deviations on Iraq foreign trade [(Articles in Press)]

  • Formal Economy Informal Economy in Iran and The Effect of Inflation on It [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Friedman’s Hypothesis A Survey of the Effects of Trade Shocks on Macroeconomics Variables in Different Exchange Rate Regimes by Using Structural VAR in Developing Countries [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 59-87]

  • Frontier production function A comparative study of the efficiency of private and public banks with a parametric and non parametric approach using value added and earnings [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 256-291]

  • Fuel Rationing Comparing WTP and Rationtioning Energy Policies for Gazoline and Dual-Consumption Automobiles in Mashhad [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 156-181]

  • Fund's Cash amount A Survey on Iranian Stock Exchange Market and Determination of Influencing Factors onAnnual Return of Mutual Funds [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 128-152]

  • Fund's Rate of Return A Survey on Iranian Stock Exchange Market and Determination of Influencing Factors onAnnual Return of Mutual Funds [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 128-152]

  • Fund's Value A Survey on Iranian Stock Exchange Market and Determination of Influencing Factors onAnnual Return of Mutual Funds [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 128-152]

  • Futur Price Investigating the Impact of Economic Variables on the Formation of Future marker Crude Oil [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 219-243]

  • Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process Prioritization of factors affecting the provision of credit services to applicants for local letter of credit as a solution for the financial development of commercial banks [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 223-255]


  • GANs algorithm Detection of money laundering activities in financial transactions by using data mining methods, Benford's law and GANs algorithm [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 327-358]

  • GARCH Impact of Inflation Uncertainty on Iran Economic Growth (Using EGARCH and VECM methods (1971-2007)) [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • GARCH and Conditional Covariances The Intertemporal Capital Asset Pricing Model with Time-Varying Conditional Covariances [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 1-29]

  • GARCH_M The effects of anticipated and unanticipated stock return volatility on stock return of Automobile manufacturing industries in Tehran Stock Market [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • GARCH model Evaluation and Comparison of Forecast Performance of Linear and Non-linear Methods for Daily Returns of Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 1-28]

  • GARCH model The Relationship between Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty with an Emphasis on Rational Expectation in Iran [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 45-63]

  • GARCH models Modeling Volatility of Daily Tehran Price Index (TEPIX) [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012]

  • GDP The Study of Effective factors on the Level of Bank Deposits (Emphasizing on the rate of Profit Sharing Securities 1988 - 2008) [Volume 17, Issue 34, 2011]

  • GDP Money Endogenous in Iran [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 1-21]

  • GDP The effect of liquidity on the corruption in the selected countries of MENA region [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 165-192]

  • GDP Gap Study on the Impacts of Exchange Rate Shocks and Gap of GDP on Inflation in Iran [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Generalized Gravity Model Trade Potential for the Countries of the South West Asia Region Block [Volume 17, Issue 31, 2011]

  • Generalized Method of Moments The Effect of Financial Development on Labor Productivity: Co-integration Application in Dynamic Panel Data [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 252-271]

  • Generalized Method of Moments The effect of liquidity on the corruption in the selected countries of MENA region [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 165-192]

  • Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) Investigating the effect of central bank independence on Capital market performance (Comparison of developed and developing countries) [(Articles in Press)]

  • Genetic Algorithm (GA) Investigating the Relationship Between Interest Rate and the Exchange Rate in the Economy of Iran Using Ultra-Innovative Algorithms [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 73-94]

  • Gini coefficient The Effects of Insurance Industry Development on Economic Growth and Income Distribution in Iran [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 1-26]

  • Globalization Knowledge Based Economy and Sustainable Development [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Globalization Impact of Globalization on Tax Revenue in Selected Developing Countries with a Panel Data Approach [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 164-186]

  • Globalization Impact of Globalization on the Development of Commercial Insurance: A Comparative Study Between Perspective Countries of Iran and Developed Countries [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 47-82]

  • Globalization The Nonlinear Effects of Globalization and Inflation Components on Financial Development in Iran: Markov Switching Approach (with Emphasis on Banking Credits) [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 291-313]

  • Globalization Investigating the effect of economic complexity and political stability on inflation (Evidence from developing Asian countries) [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • GMM method Testing the Endogeneity of Money in Iran's Economy [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 100-122]

  • GMM method Investigating the Effect of Business Cycles on Resource Consumption and Combination of Iranian Public and Private Banks (2005- 2013) [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 237-262]

  • Gold Coin Analysis the Factors Affecting Gold Price Fluctuations Using a Markov Switching Regression Models and Neural Networks [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 121-146]

  • Gold Coin The Study of Financial Contagion among Stock Market, Exchange and Gold Coin in Iran [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2016]

  • Gold coin price The analysis of volatility of gold coin price fluctuations in Iran using ARCH models [Volume 17, Issue 30, 2011]

  • Gold coin price The Effect of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on the Stock Market Index and the Price of Gold Coins [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 57-73]

  • Gold Prices Monetary Policy and Asset Prices Volatility in Iran [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012]

  • Good governance Evaluation of the Financial Development Effect on Environmental Pollution of the selected Petroleum Exporting Countries with the Emphasis on Good Governance [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 133-158]

  • Good governance The Effect of Governance Quality on the Effectiveness of Monetary Policies [(Articles in Press)]

  • Governance The Effect of Macroeconomic and Governance Factors on Financial Distress in Manufacture Firms Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 107-127]

  • Governance The Impact of Good Governance on the Relationship between Resource Abundance and Financial Development in Oil Countries [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 90-114]

  • Governmental Fundamental Investment Effective Factors of Non Oil Export in Iran [Volume 17, Issue 34, 2011]

  • Government Consumption Expenditure The Effect of Size of Government on Human Development: By using panel Data Approach [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2013]

  • Government Debt to the Banks Foreign Exchange rate Volatilies, Government Debt to the Banks and Current Government Spending: Wavelet Transform approach [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 1-28]

  • Government Expenditure Examining Monetary Neutrality in Short-run and Long-run Considering Monetary Shocks in the Economy of Iran: Applying Bounds Testing Approach. [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 46-82]

  • Government Expenditure An Investigation of the Asymmetric Effects of Oil Price Fluctuations on the Composition of the Government's Expenditures in Iran (The application of Mork and Hamilton Definitions) [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2016]

  • Government Expenditures Investigating the Factors Affecting the Error of Predicting Iran Government Budget Expenditures [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Government firms The Comparison of the Denoted Price in Government Firms Including Privatization with Two Models , Growth Index Model of the Value and Price-Book Value of Stock Model of Similar Firms [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Government Investment Expenditure The Effect of Size of Government on Human Development: By using panel Data Approach [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2013]

  • Government ownership An Investigation of Determinants of Capital Structure of Affiliated and Unaffiliated firms in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 210-233]

  • GRA The Effect of Restated Informationon Prediction of Operating Earnings and Firms Ranking [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 175-201]

  • Granger causality Review the effectiveness, Economic globalization on poverty according to two indicators of poverty, inflation and unemployment) Iran Case Study1984-2004( [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012]

  • Granger-causality Examine the Causal relationship between consumer price index (CPI) and producer price index (PPI) by using vector error correct model (VECM) and Granger causality [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 208-229]

  • Gravity model The Impact of Common Currency on Trade in Islamic Countries during 1990-2010 [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 1-28]

  • Gross Expenditure on R&D The Effects of research & development expenditures on patent flow and economic growth: A comparative analysis between developed and developing countries [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • Grounded theory Prioritization of factors affecting the provision of credit services to applicants for local letter of credit as a solution for the financial development of commercial banks [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 223-255]

  • Grounded theory Designing a modle for prioritizing Rial letter of credit applicants: a solution for developing the credit services in Bank Saderat of Iran [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Growth Index The Comparison of the Denoted Price in Government Firms Including Privatization with Two Models , Growth Index Model of the Value and Price-Book Value of Stock Model of Similar Firms [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Growth Opportunities Investigation of the Moderating Role of the Firm's Growth Opportunities and Profitability on the Value Relevance of Risk Sentiment of Annual Reports with a Dynamic Approach [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 261-290]

  • Growth opportunity An Investigation of Determinants of Capital Structure of Affiliated and Unaffiliated firms in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 210-233]


  • Health of Iran's banking system The Impact of Monetary Policy Shocks from the Exchange Rate Channel on the Health of Iran's Banking System [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 99-134]

  • Hedonic price Estimation Of Hedonic Price Function For Khoramabad Urbun Housing [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Herding Behavior Investigating the effect of investor mass behavior on stock price fluctuations, industry index and stock market index [(Articles in Press)]

  • Heritage Index The Impact of Financial Liberalization on the Volume of Investments in Listed Companies on the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 27-44]

  • Highest posterior probability Analysis of the Association between Bank Credit and Economic Growth [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2016]

  • Hodrick Prescott Filter Study on the Impacts of Exchange Rate Shocks and Gap of GDP on Inflation in Iran [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Household budget Study of the Asymmetric Relation Between Income Inequality and Consumption Expenditure Inequality in Iran, 1979-2006 [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Household Poverty and Income Status Investigation of Simultaneous Effect of Some Factors on Poverty and Income of the Household and the Head of Household’s Economic Activity Status [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 171-189]

  • Housing Estimation Of Hedonic Price Function For Khoramabad Urbun Housing [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Housing Bubble A new approach to modeling factors affecting housing prices (TVP-DMA&TVP-FAVAR approach) [(Articles in Press)]

  • Housing Prices Monetary Policy and Asset Prices Volatility in Iran [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012]

  • Human Capital International Outsourcing, Human Capital Development and Economic Growth in Asia- Pacific Countries [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • Human Capital The Impact of Human Capital on Manufacturing Industries' Export [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2013]

  • Human Capital An Empirical Study of the Relationship between Investment and Economic Growth the Case Study of Target Countries of Twenty-Year Vision Document [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 211-232]

  • Human Capital The position of Education to Relation with Economic Development in Developing Countries (The Selection Countries) [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 201-224]

  • Human Capital Silent Life Hypothesis and Filter Theory in the Iranian Banking Industry [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 137-160]

  • Human Capital Investigating the status of sustainable development indicators in Ahvaz preschool curriculum [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Human development Human Development and Sustainable Development in Selected Oil Exporting Countries [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Human Development Index The Effect of Size of Government on Human Development: By using panel Data Approach [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2013]

  • Human Efficiency Assessing the Effectiveness of Insurance Companies in Terms of Human, Technical and Financial Dimensions in Order to Empower the Insurance Industry [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 167-192]

  • Human resource The Impacts of Expenses for Population Health and Education of Human Resources on the Inflow of Foreign Direct Investments to Selected Islamic Country Members of MENA [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 201-218]

  • Hybrid E-Wallet Studying 'organizational maturity performance' in order to provide 'blockchain banking service' based on 'financial technology' (‘FinTech’) (on the basis of the ‘CMMI’ in ‘Parsian Bank’) [(Articles in Press)]

  • Hybrid New Keynsian Philips Curve Investigating the Main Determinants of Inflation in Iran: Application of Hybrid New Keynsian Philips Curve Using Quantile Regression [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 115-134]

  • Hypothesis test Comparing the Effects of Formal Information and Rumors on Choice of Real Stock Buyers in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]


  • Ichimoku Clouds Selection of Top-Performing Stock Using CAN SLIM Strategy and Application of Ichimoku Clouds in Determining Time for Inclusion and Exclusion of Such Stock [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 77-108]

  • Imperialist competiton Algorithm Modification Of Earning Manipulation Prediction Model With Emphasis On Environmental Variables And Hybrid Artificial Neural Network And Meta-Heuristic Algorithms [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 1-26]

  • Import The effect of equilibrium exchange rate deviations on Iraq foreign trade [(Articles in Press)]

  • Importance-Performance Analysis Importance- Performance Analysis (IPA) of Policies to Reform the Banking System of the Islamic Republic of Iran based on the Islamic Banking Approach [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Importer Industries Comparing the Influential of Stock Return of Selected Exporter and Importer Industries from the Exchange Rate Fluctuations [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 93-132]

  • Import of goods and services The relationship between private investment and economic growth in Iran (With emphasis on endogenous economic growth model) [Volume 17, Issue 30, 2011]

  • Import prices Review the degree of exchange rate fluctuation on import prices under environmental conditions: with emphasis on dietary changes [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 267-292]

  • Impulse Response Impact of Inflation Uncertainty on Iran Economic Growth (Using EGARCH and VECM methods (1971-2007)) [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • Impulse Response Function The Asymmetric Effects of the Oil Price Shocks on Iran Stock Market Price Index [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 29-56]

  • Income Estimation of Education and Experience Effect on Personal Income [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Income Distribution Knowledge Based Economy and Sustainable Development [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Income inequality Study of the Asymmetric Relation Between Income Inequality and Consumption Expenditure Inequality in Iran, 1979-2006 [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Income inequality The Effect of Income Inequality on Private Consumption: The Case Study of MENA Countries [Volume 17, Issue 34, 2011]

  • Income inequality Short-term and Long-run Effects of Income Inequality on Banking Crisis in Iran; ARDL Approach [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 47-77]

  • In come Velocity The Role of new Financial Technology (Finteches) on Monetary Base Usages in Iran [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 116-157]

  • Independence of Central Bank How the Independence of Central Bank Is Effective on the Financial Stability in Emerging Markets Countries? [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 132-151]

  • Independence of Central Bank Analyzing the Success of Deleting Zeros from National Currency to Control Inflations in Selected Countries [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 43-72]

  • Independence test Relationship between Clarity of Stock Market Information and The Appearing of Price bubble [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 27-58]

  • Industrial design Legal Study on the Legal Protection of the Industrial Design (The Comparative Study of the Background and Concept) [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Industrial property Legal Study on the Legal Protection of the Industrial Design (The Comparative Study of the Background and Concept) [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Industry Index Evaluation of long-term memory Tehran Stock Exchange index [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 21-48]

  • Industry Index Investigating the effect of investor mass behavior on stock price fluctuations, industry index and stock market index [(Articles in Press)]

  • Industry -Khorasan The Effect of Technical-Vocational Training on Labor Productivity in Industrial Sector of Khorasan [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Inflation Informal Economy in Iran and The Effect of Inflation on It [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Inflation Study on the Impacts of Exchange Rate Shocks and Gap of GDP on Inflation in Iran [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Inflation Review the effectiveness, Economic globalization on poverty according to two indicators of poverty, inflation and unemployment) Iran Case Study1984-2004( [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012]

  • Inflation The Effect of Macroeconomic Stability State on Efficiency in the Banking Industry (MENA Countries) [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2013]

  • Inflation The Analysis of effect of economic instability (with emphasis on budgect deficit (surplus) on economic growth in Iran. [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2013]

  • Inflation The Effect of Macroeconomic and Governance Factors on Financial Distress in Manufacture Firms Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 107-127]

  • Inflation The Relationship between Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty with an Emphasis on Rational Expectation in Iran [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 45-63]

  • Inflation The Effect of Different Inflationary Regimes on the Dynamics of Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty in Iran [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 135-160]

  • Inflation Money Endogenous in Iran [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 1-21]

  • Inflation Studying Time Inconsistency in Iran’s Economy Using Cointegration and Kalman Filter Approach [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 51-76]

  • Inflation Empirical Analysis of Existence of the Mundell's Relationship between Interest Rate and Inflation in Iran: A State-Space Approach [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 219-238]

  • Inflation Currency Denomination and Spacing Analysis for IRAN by D-METRIC method [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 313-335]

  • Inflation Channels of Transmition the Effects of Monetary Policies on Inflation in Iran's Economy by Using Markov Switching Vector Autoregressive Approach [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 87-104]

  • Inflation Investigation the Effect of Mandatory Facilities on Inflation in the Iranian Economy by using the VAR model [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 164-200]

  • Inflation The Nonlinear Effects of Globalization and Inflation Components on Financial Development in Iran: Markov Switching Approach (with Emphasis on Banking Credits) [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 291-313]

  • Inflation Inflation, budget deficit and discretionary monetary policy (Within the framework of Nash equilibrium and mixed strategic games) [(Articles in Press)]

  • Inflation expectations Inflation, budget deficit and discretionary monetary policy (Within the framework of Nash equilibrium and mixed strategic games) [(Articles in Press)]

  • Inflation rate The Relationship Between Inflation – Output Volatility in IRAN [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2012]

  • Inflation rate Examination of the Effect of the Shock Caused by Monetary Policy and Oil Revenue on Inflation and Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 29-46]

  • Inflation rate The Relationship between Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Overshooting in Iran [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 110-136]

  • Inflation rate Fisher's theory analysis in Iranian economy (application of VAR and VECM model) [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 292-326]

  • Inflation rate volatility The Relationship Between Inflation – Output Volatility in IRAN [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2012]

  • Inflation Targeting Inflation Targeting according to Taylor's and McCallum’s Time-Varying Rules in Iran [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 200-228]

  • Inflation Uncertainty Impact of Inflation Uncertainty on Iran Economic Growth (Using EGARCH and VECM methods (1971-2007)) [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • Inflation Uncertainty The Relationship between Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty with an Emphasis on Rational Expectation in Iran [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 45-63]

  • Inflation Uncertainty The Effect of Different Inflationary Regimes on the Dynamics of Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty in Iran [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 135-160]

  • Informal Economy Informal Economy in Iran and The Effect of Inflation on It [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Informal Employment Informal Employment and Competitiveness of Low-Technology Industries [Volume 17, Issue 34, 2011]

  • Information and market efficiency Comparing the Effects of Formal Information and Rumors on Choice of Real Stock Buyers in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Information Asymmetry The Survey of Effective Factors on the Timeliness of Annual Earnings Announcements in Listed Firms in Tehran stock Exchange [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 86-105]

  • Information Content of Earnings The Survey of Effective Factors on the Timeliness of Annual Earnings Announcements in Listed Firms in Tehran stock Exchange [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 86-105]

  • Information Efficiency Investigation Of Informative Efficiency Of Stock Market Using Variance Ratio Test Method [Volume 17, Issue 31, 2011]

  • Information environment Modification Of Earning Manipulation Prediction Model With Emphasis On Environmental Variables And Hybrid Artificial Neural Network And Meta-Heuristic Algorithms [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 1-26]

  • Initial Public Offering The Relationship between Corporate Governance Mechanisms and Firm Performance after Initial Public Offerings: Evidence from Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • Innovation A Survey on the Possible Causality Relationship and the Impacts of Innovation on Economic Growth in Selected MENA Countries [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 22-39]

  • Innovation Exploring The Elements of Corporate Entrepreneurship and Investigating Its Relationship with Performance of Social Security Organization Subsidiary and Affiliate Companies [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 83-110]

  • Input - output table Analysis of the Effect of Combined Subsidies on the Indirect Tax Change in Khorasan Razavi [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2016]

  • Input - output table Evaluation of the Impact of Legal Variables on Tax Revenues after the Implementation of purposivism subsidies Policy in Khorasan Razavi [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2016]

  • In recent years An Empirical Study of the Factors Affecting Customers Adoption of E-banking Services [Volume 17, Issue 34, 2011]

  • Inside block shareholders An Investigation into the Association between Ownership and the Decision to Switch the Auditor in TSE [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 64-90]

  • Institutional Shareholders The Effect of Resources Financing and Interlocking Stockholders on the Tehran Stock Exchange Market’s Response to Reported Earnings of Companies [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 116-135]

  • Institutional Shareholders The Study of the Impact of the Corporate Governance mechanisms on the Risk Taking Behavior in Listed Companies of the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 124-149]

  • Insurance The Effects of Insurance Industry Development on Economic Growth and Income Distribution in Iran [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 1-26]

  • Insurance Core Principles The Impacts of Regulation Quality on the Development of Insurance Industry [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 167-191]

  • Insurance Industry The Impacts of Regulation Quality on the Development of Insurance Industry [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 167-191]

  • Insurance Industry Ranking of the insurance companies of North Khorasan Province TOPSIS method [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 69-87]

  • Insurance Industry Assessing the Effectiveness of Insurance Companies in Terms of Human, Technical and Financial Dimensions in Order to Empower the Insurance Industry [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 167-192]

  • Insurance Penetration The Impacts of Regulation Quality on the Development of Insurance Industry [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 167-191]

  • Insurance Penetration Rate Impact of Globalization on the Development of Commercial Insurance: A Comparative Study Between Perspective Countries of Iran and Developed Countries [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 47-82]

  • Insurance Performance The Effects of Insurance Industry Development on Economic Growth and Income Distribution in Iran [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 45-76]

  • Insurance Regulation The Impacts of Regulation Quality on the Development of Insurance Industry [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 167-191]

  • Insurance regulation quality The Impacts of Regulation Quality on the Development of Insurance Industry [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 167-191]

  • Intellectual property Legal Study on the Legal Protection of the Industrial Design (The Comparative Study of the Background and Concept) [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Interest rate Money Endogenous in Iran [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 1-21]

  • Interest rate Empirical Analysis of Existence of the Mundell's Relationship between Interest Rate and Inflation in Iran: A State-Space Approach [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 219-238]

  • Interest rate Investigating the Relationship Between Interest Rate and the Exchange Rate in the Economy of Iran Using Ultra-Innovative Algorithms [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 73-94]

  • Interest rate Fisher's theory analysis in Iranian economy (application of VAR and VECM model) [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 292-326]

  • Interlocking Stockholders The Effect of Resources Financing and Interlocking Stockholders on the Tehran Stock Exchange Market’s Response to Reported Earnings of Companies [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 116-135]

  • Internal Balance Estimation of Nominal Exchange Rate Deviation from Long-Run Equilibrium Path [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 183-207]

  • Internal Controls Accounting comparability and the value relevance of earnings and book value [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 187-222]

  • Internal customer Measuring the Difference Between Quality Characteristics and Delivery of Service in the Insurance Industry (The Case of Iran Insurance Company in the Isfahan Province) [Volume 17, Issue 31, 2011]

  • Internal market Measuring the Difference Between Quality Characteristics and Delivery of Service in the Insurance Industry (The Case of Iran Insurance Company in the Isfahan Province) [Volume 17, Issue 31, 2011]

  • Internal service quality gaps Measuring the Difference Between Quality Characteristics and Delivery of Service in the Insurance Industry (The Case of Iran Insurance Company in the Isfahan Province) [Volume 17, Issue 31, 2011]

  • International Outsourcing International Outsourcing, Human Capital Development and Economic Growth in Asia- Pacific Countries [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • Interpolation Qurterizing Time-series (A Case Study, Government Oil Revenues, Consumer Price Index and liquidity) [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012]

  • Interset Income Profitability Paradox in Iranian Commercial Banks Business Model: A Study Based on System Dynamics Methodology [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 197-242]

  • Intertemporal Capital Asset Pricing Model The Intertemporal Capital Asset Pricing Model with Time-Varying Conditional Covariances [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 1-29]

  • Intrinsic company value Investigation of relation between intrinsic value and return of stock in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • IntServqual Measuring the Difference Between Quality Characteristics and Delivery of Service in the Insurance Industry (The Case of Iran Insurance Company in the Isfahan Province) [Volume 17, Issue 31, 2011]

  • Invention Legal Study on the Legal Protection of the Industrial Design (The Comparative Study of the Background and Concept) [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Inventory The Critically Evaluation of the Baumol – Tobin Inventory Theory of Money Demand [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 217-234]

  • Inverse Problem Innovating a Modern Model for Estimating the Amount of Money Laundering in Iran (The Application of Numerical and Inverse Problem Methods in Economy) [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 215-238]

  • Investment The Effect on Financial Ratios to Predict Company Profits and Stock Returns [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2012]

  • Investment Investigating the Perspective of OTC Institutional Investors and Brokers' in Relation to Variables of Affecting Promoting Shareholdings Culture in Iran [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 30-44]

  • Investment Feasibility Study of Commissioning a Power Capacity Market for High-Consuming Customers in Iran energy Stock [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 182-209]

  • Investment The Impact of Financial Liberalization on the Volume of Investments in Listed Companies on the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 27-44]

  • Investment The effect of monetary and real shocks on oil investment in Iran with Bayesian vector Auto-regression approach (BVAR) [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 86-115]

  • Investment The effect of behavioral irregularities on investors' decision making in the capital market [(Articles in Press)]

  • Investment efficiency Investigating the Relationship between Cash Retention and Investment Efficiency in Companies in Financial Crisis Considering the Role of Corporate Governance [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Investment Expenditure and Consumption Expenditure of Government The Optimal Size of Government in Point of View Achieving Maximum Economic Welfare in Iran [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 127-155]

  • Investment fund Evaluation of the performance of the Refinery Fund: Examining the challenges and providing solutions [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Investment Portfolio The Determination of The Optimal Portfolio of Pension Funds in Iran [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 1-32]

  • Iran An Assessment of Monopoly, Competition and Concentration in Iran's Market of Chicken and Egg [Volume 17, Issue 30, 2011]

  • Iran The Dynamic Effect of Macroeconomic Factors on Fluctuations of Housing Price in Iran (1990-2007) [Volume 17, Issue 31, 2011]

  • Iran The Impact of Restructuring on Efficiency of the Iran’s Electricity Industry [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Iran Review the effectiveness, Economic globalization on poverty according to two indicators of poverty, inflation and unemployment) Iran Case Study1984-2004( [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012]

  • Iran The Impact of Human Capital on Manufacturing Industries' Export [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2013]

  • Iran The Relationship between Financial Development and Private Investment in Iran Economy [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • Iran Forecasting Iran's Non-Oil Exports Affected by the Exchange Rate Volatility Using Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) Model [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • Iran An Examination of Foreign Exchange Market Efficiency Hypothesis: A Case Study of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • Iran Comparison of Performance Classical and Neural Networks Models for Estimation Credit risk and Capacity Customers: Evidence from Tejarat bank [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 88-115]

  • Iran Investigation the Applicability of Floating Securities in Order to Develop Financial System of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 67-85]

  • Iran The Effect of Financial Development on CO2 Emissions in Iran [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 147-170]

  • Iran Factors influencing the gold price in Iran [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 83-99]

  • Iran An Investigation of the Asymmetric Effects of Oil Price Fluctuations on the Composition of the Government's Expenditures in Iran (The application of Mork and Hamilton Definitions) [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2016]

  • Iran The impact of Tax Shocks on the Iranian Official and Underground Economy within the Framework of Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models (DSGE) [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 111-134]

  • Iran The Effect of Different Inflationary Regimes on the Dynamics of Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty in Iran [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 135-160]

  • Iran Government Debt Sustainability in Iran: New Evidence from a Fiscal Reaction Function (FRF) [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 1-29]

  • Iran Examining the Price Bubbles in Iran’s Foreign Exchange Market Using Nonlinear State Space Model: An Application of Sigma-Point Kalman Filter (SPKF) [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 33-50]

  • Iran Welfare Effects of Currency Substitution in Iran (1959-2013) [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 251-274]

  • Iran Short-term and Long-run Effects of Income Inequality on Banking Crisis in Iran; ARDL Approach [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 47-77]

  • Iran Evaluation of the Asymmetric Impacts of Fiscal Policy and Trade Development on Financial Development in Iran Using the NARDL Nonlinear Model [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 101-134]

  • Iran accounting standards Accounting variables and prediction of stock return: Before and after mandatory adoption of accounting standards. [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Iran Economic Extracting the Phillips Curve Based on Real Exchange Rate for the Iran Economy by Generalized Method of Moments [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 111-132]

  • Iran Economy Estimating marginal propensity to consume for income groups on the basis of relative permanent income hypothesis in Iran [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • Iranian banking industry Silent Life Hypothesis and Filter Theory in the Iranian Banking Industry [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 137-160]

  • Iranian economy Effective Factors of Non Oil Export in Iran [Volume 17, Issue 34, 2011]

  • Iranian economy Channels of Transmition the Effects of Monetary Policies on Inflation in Iran's Economy by Using Markov Switching Vector Autoregressive Approach [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 87-104]

  • Iran international trade Assessing the Relationship between Commercial Risk and Volume of Opening of Letter of Credit in Iran International Trade Logistic Smooth Transition Regression Approach [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 348-378]

  • Islamic banking Evaluating the Performance of Iran's Islamic Banking in Providing Venture Capital [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 40-68]

  • Islamic banking Importance- Performance Analysis (IPA) of Policies to Reform the Banking System of the Islamic Republic of Iran based on the Islamic Banking Approach [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Islamic Countries The Impact of Common Currency on Trade in Islamic Countries during 1990-2010 [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 1-28]

  • Islamic Financial System Investigation the Applicability of Floating Securities in Order to Develop Financial System of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 67-85]

  • Islamic financing Effectiveness of the Financial Structure of Listed Companies from New Islamic Financing Instruments [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 201-232]

  • Islamic MENA Countries The Impacts of Expenses for Population Health and Education of Human Resources on the Inflow of Foreign Direct Investments to Selected Islamic Country Members of MENA [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 201-218]


  • JEL Classification Modeling of a Policy Framework to Expand Reinsurance Acceptance Capacity Through Catastrophic Accidents Bonds in the Insurance Industry [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 193-218]

  • Jini Coefficient The Impact of Labor Force Productivity on Income (Distribution for Selected Countries) [Volume 17, Issue 31, 2011]

  • Job satisfaction Measuring the Difference Between Quality Characteristics and Delivery of Service in the Insurance Industry (The Case of Iran Insurance Company in the Isfahan Province) [Volume 17, Issue 31, 2011]

  • Johansen-Juselius cointegration Welfare Effects of Currency Substitution in Iran (1959-2013) [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 251-274]

  • Johansen-Juselius co-integration approach The Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on Foreign Direct Invesment in Iran [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2016]

  • Johansen-Juselius method Estimation of long-run relationship between crude oil price and real exchange rate of US dollar [Volume 17, Issue 30, 2011]

  • Johansen- Juselius Method Evaluation of the Asymmetric Impacts of Fiscal Policy and Trade Development on Financial Development in Iran Using the NARDL Nonlinear Model [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 101-134]


  • Kalman filter Study on the Impacts of Exchange Rate Shocks and Gap of GDP on Inflation in Iran [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Kalman filter Investigation of Convenience Yield Effects on Oil Extraction in Sandy Oil Field: Application of Real Option [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 45-83]

  • Kalman filter Inflation Targeting according to Taylor's and McCallum’s Time-Varying Rules in Iran [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 200-228]

  • Kalman filter Studying Time Inconsistency in Iran’s Economy Using Cointegration and Kalman Filter Approach [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 51-76]

  • Kaplan-Meier model The Study of Factors Affecting on Credit Risk of Bank Customers Using Non-Parametric and Semi-Parametric Survival Analysis Models [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 88-123]

  • Keshavarzi Bank The Effective Factors on Bank Loan Recovery Rate of Keshavarzi of Khorasan Razavi Province,-Iran (Application of Tobit Econometrics Model) [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 189-216]

  • Key words: financial liberalization The Impact of Financial Liberalization on the Volume of Investments in Listed Companies on the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 27-44]

  • Keywords: Forecasts Evaluation of long-term memory Tehran Stock Exchange index [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 21-48]

  • Keywords: Inflation rate Investigating the Main Determinants of Inflation in Iran: Application of Hybrid New Keynsian Philips Curve Using Quantile Regression [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 115-134]

  • Key words: Vertical Foreign Direct Investment The Impacts of Expenses for Population Health and Education of Human Resources on the Inflow of Foreign Direct Investments to Selected Islamic Country Members of MENA [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 201-218]

  • Khoramabad Estimation Of Hedonic Price Function For Khoramabad Urbun Housing [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Khorasan Razavi province-Iran The Effective Factors on Bank Loan Recovery Rate of Keshavarzi of Khorasan Razavi Province,-Iran (Application of Tobit Econometrics Model) [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 189-216]

  • Knowledge Based Economy Knowledge Based Economy and Sustainable Development [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Kohonen model Studying ant Prediction the Performance of Iran's Banking System by Using Kohonen, ANN and Panel data Models [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 153-174]

  • Kuznets Curve Knowledge Based Economy and Sustainable Development [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Kuznets Environment Curve Human Development and Sustainable Development in Selected Oil Exporting Countries [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Kyoto protocol The Comparison of the Environmental Kuznets Curve in Developing and OECD Countries: A Panel Data Analysis [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]


  • Labor The Role of Total Factor Productivity Growth in the Non-Oil Sector Growth of the Iranian Economy [Volume 17, Issue 31, 2011]

  • Labor A Survey of the Effect of Production Factors on Energy Consumption Intensity in Iran: An Analysis Based on Cobb–Douglas Production Function [Volume 17, Issue 34, 2011]

  • Labor intensive Determination and Analysis of Factors Productivity of Medium and Small Scale Manufactories in Toos Industrial Town [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • Labor market The impact of the Globalization of Econiomic on Employment in Iran and some other developing countries [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Labor market The Importance of Voluntary and Involuntary on Job-Quitting of Self Employed and Wage-Earners in IRAN [Volume 17, Issue 34, 2011]

  • Labor Productivity The Effect of Technical-Vocational Training on Labor Productivity in Industrial Sector of Khorasan [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Labor Productivity The Effect of Financial Development on Labor Productivity: Co-integration Application in Dynamic Panel Data [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 252-271]

  • Labour flexibility Informal Employment and Competitiveness of Low-Technology Industries [Volume 17, Issue 34, 2011]

  • Least Angel regression Capability of models Support Vector Regression, Least Angle Regression and Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System for Earning Per Share forecasting [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 161-188]

  • Legislative Financial surveillance Regulatory Bodies Overseeing State Financial Contracts and Their Challenges [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2012]

  • Leverage effect Modeling Volatility of Daily Tehran Price Index (TEPIX) [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012]

  • Leverage effect The Comparison of the Impact of Momentum and the Memory of Past Market Turbulence on the Current Turbulence of Financial Markets with an Emphasis on Cryptocurrencies: MGARCH Model [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 1-34]

  • Leverage ratios An Investigation of Determinants of Capital Structure of Affiliated and Unaffiliated firms in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 210-233]

  • Liquidity The Survey of relationship between risk and stock return in Tehran Securities Exchange : Study of momentum effect and liquidity Premium [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 48-104]

  • Liquidity Money Endogenous in Iran [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 1-21]

  • Liquidity The Role of the Central Bank in Creating Business Cycles in the Iranian Economy [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 1-32]

  • Liquidity The effect of liquidity on the corruption in the selected countries of MENA region [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 165-192]

  • Liquidity growth The relationship between private investment and economic growth in Iran (With emphasis on endogenous economic growth model) [Volume 17, Issue 30, 2011]

  • Lo and Mackinlay Single Variance Ratio Test Analysis of Oil Market Efficiency) the Case of OPEC ( [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012]

  • Loan Loss Provisions Identify the Earnings Management Tool Used in Free-Usury Banking in Iran: Comparative Evaluation of the Importance of LLP and STGL in the Cornett Approach [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 135-157]

  • Loan recovery rate The Effective Factors on Bank Loan Recovery Rate of Keshavarzi of Khorasan Razavi Province,-Iran (Application of Tobit Econometrics Model) [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 189-216]

  • Logistic Costing The Impact of Financial Requriements Imposed by the IKCO on the Profitability of Automotive Component Manufacturers [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 230-248]

  • Logistic Regression Comparison of Performance Classical and Neural Networks Models for Estimation Credit risk and Capacity Customers: Evidence from Tejarat bank [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 88-115]

  • Logistic smooth transition autoregressive approach Assessing the Relationship between Commercial Risk and Volume of Opening of Letter of Credit in Iran International Trade Logistic Smooth Transition Regression Approach [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 348-378]

  • Logit Examining the Effective Factors in Exchange Rate Regimes in Developing Countries [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 225-250]

  • Logit model The Effect of Macroeconomic and Governance Factors on Financial Distress in Manufacture Firms Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 107-127]

  • Logit regression Determinants of Customer’s Credit Risks in Commercial Banks (Case Study: Tejarat Bank of Neka, Mazandaran Province) [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2016]

  • Lower Partial Moment-Capital Asset Pricing Model (LPM-CAPM) A Study on Capital Asset Pricing Model with Different Approaches to Risk in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 146-166]

  • Lyapunov exponent maximum test An Investigation of the Chaos Complexity Theory in the Cost of Bahar Azadi Gold Coin in Iran [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2016]


  • Machine learning Application of K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) for Predicting Corporate Financial Distress in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 48-66]

  • Machine learning Measuring the Media-based Economic Uncertainty index by Machine Learning Algorithms in Iran and its Effect on the Exchange Rate [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 1-46]

  • Macroeconomic Policies Impact of Globalization on Tax Revenue in Selected Developing Countries with a Panel Data Approach [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 164-186]

  • Macroeconomic Variables Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Financial Assets Shortage in Iran [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 91-110]

  • Macroeconomic Variables Analysing the effects of macroeconomic variables on bank's credit risk [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 175-199]

  • MADM The Effect of Restated Informationon Prediction of Operating Earnings and Firms Ranking [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 175-201]

  • Managers' overconfidence The Mediating Effect of Overconfidence of managers on the Relationship between Attribution Bias and Performance of Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Manufactories Determination and Analysis of Factors Productivity of Medium and Small Scale Manufactories in Toos Industrial Town [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • Manufacturing Industries' Export The Impact of Human Capital on Manufacturing Industries' Export [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2013]

  • Marginal Propensity to Consume Estimating marginal propensity to consume for income groups on the basis of relative permanent income hypothesis in Iran [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • Market Design Application of Matching Theory in Finance; Market Design with the Purpose of Corporate Finance at Different Stages of Life Cycle Based on the Matching Theory [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 67-104]

  • Market Index Investigating the effect of investor mass behavior on stock price fluctuations, industry index and stock market index [(Articles in Press)]

  • Marketing Investigatinng and Specifying the Development of Tourism Industry in Golestan Province [Volume 17, Issue 30, 2011]

  • Market Risk Premium The Survey of relationship between risk and stock return in Tehran Securities Exchange : Study of momentum effect and liquidity Premium [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 48-104]

  • Market segmentation Customer benefit sought segmentation of Mashhad’s bank market [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • Market Structure An Assessment of Monopoly, Competition and Concentration in Iran's Market of Chicken and Egg [Volume 17, Issue 30, 2011]

  • Market Structure Determinants of Profitability inIran Banking System Emphasizing on Market Structure and Risk Taking Behavior [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 1-20]

  • Market Structure Investigating the Impact of Economic Variables on the Formation of Future marker Crude Oil [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 219-243]

  • Market value Investigation of relation between intrinsic value and return of stock in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Markov rotation regression Review the degree of exchange rate fluctuation on import prices under environmental conditions: with emphasis on dietary changes [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 267-292]

  • Markov Switching The Impact of Oil Price Volatility on Tehran Stock Market at Sector-Level: A Variance Decomposition Approach [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 205-236]

  • Markov Switching Channels of Transmition the Effects of Monetary Policies on Inflation in Iran's Economy by Using Markov Switching Vector Autoregressive Approach [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 87-104]

  • Markov Switching The Nonlinear Effects of Globalization and Inflation Components on Financial Development in Iran: Markov Switching Approach (with Emphasis on Banking Credits) [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 291-313]

  • Markov- Switching The Effect of Real Exchange Rate Volatility on the Export of Iran’s Petrochemicals: Markov-Switching Approach [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 202-231]

  • Markov Switching Model The Effect of Exchange Fluctuations on the Petroleum Products Stock Index by using MS-VAR [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 153-177]

  • Markowitz Model The Determination of The Optimal Portfolio of Pension Funds in Iran [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 1-32]

  • Marquez model The Estimation of Marquez’s Bilateral Import Function for Iran and Turkey by Using ARDL [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 232-258]

  • Matching Theory Application of Matching Theory in Finance; Market Design with the Purpose of Corporate Finance at Different Stages of Life Cycle Based on the Matching Theory [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 67-104]

  • Mazandaran An Economic Evaluation of Road Passengers Transport Vehicles in Mazandaran [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012]

  • Mean reversion Investigating Mean Reversion Phenomenon and Forecasting Natural Gas Daily Spot Prices Using Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Mean Reverting Model [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 159-200]

  • Mean Reverting Modeling Volatility of Daily Tehran Price Index (TEPIX) [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012]

  • Mean-Var model The optimal combination of investment in assets in different conditions of the stock market using the Mean-VaR model [(Articles in Press)]

  • Media Measuring the Media-based Economic Uncertainty index by Machine Learning Algorithms in Iran and its Effect on the Exchange Rate [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 1-46]

  • MENA The Effect of Income Inequality on Private Consumption: The Case Study of MENA Countries [Volume 17, Issue 34, 2011]

  • MENA Countries Stock Market in Economic Growth: The Case of MENA Countries [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 29-47]

  • MENA Countries A Survey on the Possible Causality Relationship and the Impacts of Innovation on Economic Growth in Selected MENA Countries [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 22-39]

  • MGARCH The Relationship between Inflation Uncertainty and the Bank Loan Facilities Granted [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 135-154]

  • MGARCH The Comparison of the Impact of Momentum and the Memory of Past Market Turbulence on the Current Turbulence of Financial Markets with an Emphasis on Cryptocurrencies: MGARCH Model [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 1-34]

  • Microfinance and Microcredit Microfinance an Approach for Increasing Output in the Agricultural Sector and Poverty Reduction in Rural Areas [Volume 17, Issue 30, 2011]

  • Mixed-Asset Portfolio Mixed- Asset Portfolio Optimization [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 249-278]

  • Mixed Multivariate Model Investigation of Simultaneous Effect of Some Factors on Poverty and Income of the Household and the Head of Household’s Economic Activity Status [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 171-189]

  • Modern Liquidity Indexes The Examination of the Relationship between the Modern Liquidity Indexes and the Cash Flow Ratios with Firms Profitability (Financial and Market-based Measures) [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2013]

  • Monetary Base Usages The Role of new Financial Technology (Finteches) on Monetary Base Usages in Iran [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 116-157]

  • Monetary Growth Examining the Functions of Central Bank’s Reaction Using Taylor’s Rule [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 155-180]

  • Monetary Neutrality Examining Monetary Neutrality in Short-run and Long-run Considering Monetary Shocks in the Economy of Iran: Applying Bounds Testing Approach. [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 46-82]

  • Monetary Policies Studying the Effect of Monetary Policies on Exchange Rate and its Effects on Total Welfare (Application of Recursive Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium) [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 35-67]

  • Monetary policy Analysis of policy passivity in Iranian Economy Using Factor-Augmented Bayesian Vector Autoregressive Model (FABVAR) [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 152-181]

  • Monetary policy The Role of the Central Bank in Creating Business Cycles in the Iranian Economy [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 1-32]

  • Monetary policy Analysis the Non-Neutrality of Monetary Policy Effects through Nominal Interest Rate in the Generalized Sidrauski's Model in Iran's Economy: Optimal Control Approach [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 109-136]

  • Monetary policy Examination of the Effect of the Shock Caused by Monetary Policy and Oil Revenue on Inflation and Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 29-46]

  • Monetary policy Channels of Transmition the Effects of Monetary Policies on Inflation in Iran's Economy by Using Markov Switching Vector Autoregressive Approach [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 87-104]

  • Monetary policy Investigation the Effect of Open Market Operations on the Stability of Macroeconomic Variables in Iran, Emphasizing the Sanctions Conditions [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 68-98]

  • Monetary policy The Impact of Monetary Policy Shocks from the Exchange Rate Channel on the Health of Iran's Banking System [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 99-134]

  • Monetary policy The Effect of Governance Quality on the Effectiveness of Monetary Policies [(Articles in Press)]

  • Monetary Policy Uncertainty The Effect of Monetary Policy Uncertainty on Insurance Premiums in Iran [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 79-99]

  • Monetary Shock Impact of Monetary Shocks on Economic Growth and Inflation in Iran –The Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Approach [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 1-29]

  • Monetary Shocks Examining Monetary Neutrality in Short-run and Long-run Considering Monetary Shocks in the Economy of Iran: Applying Bounds Testing Approach. [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 46-82]

  • Monetary Shocks The effect of monetary and real shocks on oil investment in Iran with Bayesian vector Auto-regression approach (BVAR) [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 86-115]

  • Monetary transmission mechanism Determination of Monetary Transmission Mechanism Channels in Iranian Economy by Using Simulation of Bayesian DSGE Model Based on Taylor Rule [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 33-66]

  • Money Demand The Impact of Exchange Rate Uncertainty on the Demand for Money in Iran [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2016]

  • Money Demand The Critically Evaluation of the Baumol – Tobin Inventory Theory of Money Demand [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 217-234]

  • Money Demand Function Estimation of Money Demand Function in Iran with Cointegration and Error Correction Models Approach [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 1-26]

  • Money Laundering Innovating a Modern Model for Estimating the Amount of Money Laundering in Iran (The Application of Numerical and Inverse Problem Methods in Economy) [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 215-238]

  • Money Laundering Detection of money laundering activities in financial transactions by using data mining methods, Benford's law and GANs algorithm [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 327-358]

  • Money multiplier The Role of new Financial Technology (Finteches) on Monetary Base Usages in Iran [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 116-157]

  • Monopoly An Assessment of Monopoly, Competition and Concentration in Iran's Market of Chicken and Egg [Volume 17, Issue 30, 2011]

  • Monte Carlo simulation technique Using VaR and Selection an Optimal Portfolio by Monte Carlo Simulation Technique (MCS) in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 17, Issue 31, 2011]

  • Moving Window Method Analysis of Oil Market Efficiency) the Case of OPEC ( [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012]

  • Multi-layer perceptron neural network Development of Earning Manipulation Prediction Model Applying Hybrid Neural Network and Cosmology Based Algorithms [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 57-86]

  • Multivariate GARCH-BEKK Causality and Volatility spillover between Spot and Future Oil Market: Case of NYMEX [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 136-163]

  • Mundell effect Empirical Analysis of Existence of the Mundell's Relationship between Interest Rate and Inflation in Iran: A State-Space Approach [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 219-238]

  • Mutual Funds A Survey on Iranian Stock Exchange Market and Determination of Influencing Factors onAnnual Return of Mutual Funds [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 128-152]


  • NARDL Model Studying the Asymmetric Effects of Exchange Rate on the Return of Selective Industries in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 167-200]

  • National Innovation System Utilizing Comprehensive Framework for Strategy Formulation to Improve National Innovation System of Iran [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 259-286]

  • Natural gas Investigating Mean Reversion Phenomenon and Forecasting Natural Gas Daily Spot Prices Using Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Mean Reverting Model [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 159-200]

  • Natural Resource Rent Investigating the Role of Financial Development on the Effects of Natural Resource Rents on other Kinds of Capital in Iran [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 30-68]

  • Natural Resource Rent A Survey of the Impact of Financial Development on the Relationship between Natural Resource Rents and Augmented Trust in Iran [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 137-166]

  • Neobank Studying 'organizational maturity performance' in order to provide 'blockchain banking service' based on 'financial technology' (‘FinTech’) (on the basis of the ‘CMMI’ in ‘Parsian Bank’) [(Articles in Press)]

  • Net Liquidity Balance The Examination of the Relationship between the Modern Liquidity Indexes and the Cash Flow Ratios with Firms Profitability (Financial and Market-based Measures) [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2013]

  • Net Profit Information Content of Book Value and Net Income in Weak and Strong Companies: An Empirical Study [Volume 17, Issue 30, 2011]

  • Neural Network Evaluation and Comparison of Forecast Performance of Linear and Non-linear Methods for Daily Returns of Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 1-28]

  • Neural Networks Comparison of Performance Classical and Neural Networks Models for Estimation Credit risk and Capacity Customers: Evidence from Tejarat bank [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 88-115]

  • Neural Networks Analysis the Factors Affecting Gold Price Fluctuations Using a Markov Switching Regression Models and Neural Networks [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 121-146]

  • New Keynesian Paradigm Extracting the Phillips Curve Based on Real Exchange Rate for the Iran Economy by Generalized Method of Moments [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 111-132]

  • Nominal Exchange Rate Foreign Exchange rate Volatilies, Government Debt to the Banks and Current Government Spending: Wavelet Transform approach [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 1-28]

  • Nominal Interest Rate Analysis the Non-Neutrality of Monetary Policy Effects through Nominal Interest Rate in the Generalized Sidrauski's Model in Iran's Economy: Optimal Control Approach [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 109-136]

  • Nominal Interest Rate Investigation the Effect of Mandatory Facilities on Inflation in the Iranian Economy by using the VAR model [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 164-200]

  • Non-Development Investigatinng and Specifying the Development of Tourism Industry in Golestan Province [Volume 17, Issue 30, 2011]

  • Non-Interest Income Profitability Paradox in Iranian Commercial Banks Business Model: A Study Based on System Dynamics Methodology [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 197-242]

  • Non-Linear Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model The Effect of Monetary Policy Uncertainty on Insurance Premiums in Iran [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 79-99]

  • Nonlinear Autoregressive Distributed Lags (NARDL) Evaluation of the Asymmetric Impacts of Fiscal Policy and Trade Development on Financial Development in Iran Using the NARDL Nonlinear Model [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 101-134]

  • Non-linear Models Evaluation and Comparison of Forecast Performance of Linear and Non-linear Methods for Daily Returns of Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 1-28]

  • Nonlinear State Space Examining the Price Bubbles in Iran’s Foreign Exchange Market Using Nonlinear State Space Model: An Application of Sigma-Point Kalman Filter (SPKF) [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 33-50]

  • Non Oil Export Effective Factors of Non Oil Export in Iran [Volume 17, Issue 34, 2011]

  • Non-Oil sector growth rate The Role of Total Factor Productivity Growth in the Non-Oil Sector Growth of the Iranian Economy [Volume 17, Issue 31, 2011]

  • Non-oil Trade Balance The Effect of Exchange Rate Uncertainty on Iran's Non-Oil Trade Balance: Stochastic Volatility Model Approach [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 49-80]

  • Non-petroleum exports Main Factors on Export Development in Textile Industry (The Case of Yazd Province Textile Industry) [Volume 17, Issue 31, 2011]

  • North Khorasan Province Ranking of the insurance companies of North Khorasan Province TOPSIS method [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 69-87]

  • NSGA-II algorithm Presenting an Efficient Model of Government Budget Allocation to The Provinces of The Country with a Combined Approach [(Articles in Press)]

  • Numerical Method Innovating a Modern Model for Estimating the Amount of Money Laundering in Iran (The Application of Numerical and Inverse Problem Methods in Economy) [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 215-238]

  • Nyvkynzynha RBC Theory and the Current Financial Crisis [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2012]


  • OAC theory Examining the Effective Factors in Exchange Rate Regimes in Developing Countries [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 225-250]

  • OCA theory The Impact of Common Currency on Trade in Islamic Countries during 1990-2010 [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 1-28]

  • Oil Fiscal deficit and tax policies and their impact on economic indicators with regard to the government's sovereign role; The SVAR approach [(Articles in Press)]

  • Oil Exporting Countries The Impact of Good Governance on the Relationship between Resource Abundance and Financial Development in Oil Countries [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 90-114]

  • Oil & Gas Consuming Countries Look at the Causes Determined Political Economy of Oil and Gas in the Persian Gulf and the Strategy of Industrialized Countries Toward it [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Oil & Gas Exporting Countries Look at the Causes Determined Political Economy of Oil and Gas in the Persian Gulf and the Strategy of Industrialized Countries Toward it [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Oil price fluctuations An Investigation of the Asymmetric Effects of Oil Price Fluctuations on the Composition of the Government's Expenditures in Iran (The application of Mork and Hamilton Definitions) [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2016]

  • Oil Revenue The Impact of Natural Resources Rent and Political Development on Central Bank Independence: Evidence from Oil Exporting Countries [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 193-222]

  • Oil Revenues Analysis of policy passivity in Iranian Economy Using Factor-Augmented Bayesian Vector Autoregressive Model (FABVAR) [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 152-181]

  • Oil sector The effect of monetary and real shocks on oil investment in Iran with Bayesian vector Auto-regression approach (BVAR) [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 86-115]

  • Oil seed The Comparative Advantage of Irrigated kolza Production in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Provience [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Oil Shock The Impact of Symmetric and Asymmetric Oil Shocks on the Total Price Index in the Tehran Stock Exchange Market [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 30-61]

  • Oil Spot Price Causality and Volatility spillover between Spot and Future Oil Market: Case of NYMEX [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 136-163]

  • Oil Spot Price Investigation of Convenience Yield Effects on Oil Extraction in Sandy Oil Field: Application of Real Option [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 45-83]

  • OLS method Informal Economy in Iran and The Effect of Inflation on It [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • OPEC Analysis of Oil Market Efficiency) the Case of OPEC ( [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012]

  • OPEC member countries The Importance of Trading Partners’ Economic Growth on Economic Growth: the Case Study of OPEC Member Countries [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • OPEC member countries Causality Relationship between Energy Consumption, Economic Growth and Prices: using Panel Data OPEC Member Countries [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 233-255]

  • OPEC member countries Favorable Exchange Rate System for OPEC Oil Exporting Countries with Regard to the Effect of Exchange Rate Systems on Production and Price [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 1-42]

  • Openness The Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on Foreign Direct Invesment in Iran [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2016]

  • Opportunistic Earnings Management Related Party Transactions and its Relationship with Effective or Opportunistic Behavior of Earnings Management [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 105-134]

  • Optimal monetary policy Scenario Making for Adopting Suitable Monetary Policy in reducing Economic Crises Caused by Widespread Diseases on Iran’s Economic Sectors (Case of Coronavirus outbreaks) [(Articles in Press)]

  • Optimal Size of Government The Optimal Size of Government in Point of View Achieving Maximum Economic Welfare in Iran [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 127-155]

  • Optimization Mixed- Asset Portfolio Optimization [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 249-278]

  • Organizational development Investigate the failure of the privatization of the financial intermediaries (financial institutions) with patterns of organizational development [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2016]

  • Organization of Islamic Cooperation member countries A Study on the Role of Institutional Quality in Financial Development of Selected OIC Countries [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 26-45]

  • Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Model Investigating Mean Reversion Phenomenon and Forecasting Natural Gas Daily Spot Prices Using Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Mean Reverting Model [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 159-200]

  • Output The Relationship Between Inflation – Output Volatility in IRAN [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2012]

  • Output volatility The Relationship Between Inflation – Output Volatility in IRAN [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2012]

  • Outside block shareholders An Investigation into the Association between Ownership and the Decision to Switch the Auditor in TSE [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 64-90]

  • Over the Counter (OTC) Market Investigating the Perspective of OTC Institutional Investors and Brokers' in Relation to Variables of Affecting Promoting Shareholdings Culture in Iran [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 30-44]

  • Ownership Structure The Relationship between Corporate Governance Mechanisms and Firm Performance after Initial Public Offerings: Evidence from Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • Ownership Structure The Effect of Macroeconomic and Governance Factors on Financial Distress in Manufacture Firms Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 107-127]

  • Ownership Structure The Relationship between Components of Ownership Structure and Tax Aggressiveness and moderating role of Firms’ Financial Performance [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 243-266]

  • Ownership Structure The effect of ownership structure and corporate governance on performance of banks: using structural equations approach [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 223-248]


  • Panel Co integration Comparing the Influential of Stock Return of Selected Exporter and Importer Industries from the Exchange Rate Fluctuations [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 93-132]

  • Panel Data The Impact of Labor Force Productivity on Income (Distribution for Selected Countries) [Volume 17, Issue 31, 2011]

  • Panel Data The Impact of Human Capital on Manufacturing Industries' Export [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2013]

  • Panel Data The Relationship between Corporate Governance Mechanisms and Firm Performance after Initial Public Offerings: Evidence from Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • Panel Data The Impact of Trade Openness on Financial Development for selected Developing Countries during the Period 1990-2008 [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • Panel Data The Impacts of Monetary Macro Variables on Stock Price of Automotive Companies (Case Study of Tehran Stock Exchange) [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 187-210]

  • Panel Data An Empirical Study of the Relationship between Investment and Economic Growth the Case Study of Target Countries of Twenty-Year Vision Document [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 211-232]

  • Panel Data Causality Relationship between Energy Consumption, Economic Growth and Prices: using Panel Data OPEC Member Countries [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 233-255]

  • Panel Data The Survey of relationship between risk and stock return in Tehran Securities Exchange : Study of momentum effect and liquidity Premium [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 48-104]

  • Panel Data A Study on the Role of Institutional Quality in Financial Development of Selected OIC Countries [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 26-45]

  • Panel Data The Effect of Competition in Banking on the Stability of Banks [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 123-145]

  • Panel Data A Survey on the Possible Causality Relationship and the Impacts of Innovation on Economic Growth in Selected MENA Countries [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 22-39]

  • Panel Data Analysing the effects of macroeconomic variables on bank's credit risk [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 175-199]

  • Panel Data Evaluation of the Financial Development Effect on Environmental Pollution of the selected Petroleum Exporting Countries with the Emphasis on Good Governance [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 133-158]

  • Panel Data Determinants of Profitability inIran Banking System Emphasizing on Market Structure and Risk Taking Behavior [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 1-20]

  • Panel Data Favorable Exchange Rate System for OPEC Oil Exporting Countries with Regard to the Effect of Exchange Rate Systems on Production and Price [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 1-42]

  • Panel Data Effectiveness of the Financial Structure of Listed Companies from New Islamic Financing Instruments [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 201-232]

  • Panel Data The role of stock market timing theory on the capital structure of companies active in the capital market: a case study of the electricity and power plant industry [(Articles in Press)]

  • Panel Data econometric model Studying ant Prediction the Performance of Iran's Banking System by Using Kohonen, ANN and Panel data Models [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 153-174]

  • Panel Data Model Investigating the Effect of Business Cycles on Resource Consumption and Combination of Iranian Public and Private Banks (2005- 2013) [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 237-262]

  • Panel Data Unit Root Tests Study of the Asymmetric Relation Between Income Inequality and Consumption Expenditure Inequality in Iran, 1979-2006 [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Panel Date Model The Effect of Size of Government on Human Development: By using panel Data Approach [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2013]

  • Paper Industry The Impact of Real Exchange Rate on Exports of Wood Industry and Paper Industry (1977-2010) [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 100-131]

  • Parallel Processing Cryptocurrency Price Prediction with GRU neural networks [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Participation Investigating the Perspective of OTC Institutional Investors and Brokers' in Relation to Variables of Affecting Promoting Shareholdings Culture in Iran [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 30-44]

  • Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm (PSO) Investigating the Relationship Between Interest Rate and the Exchange Rate in the Economy of Iran Using Ultra-Innovative Algorithms [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 73-94]

  • Patent The Effects of research & development expenditures on patent flow and economic growth: A comparative analysis between developed and developing countries [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • Per Capita Insurance Premiums The Effect of Monetary Policy Uncertainty on Insurance Premiums in Iran [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 79-99]

  • Performance Evaluation Evaluation of the performance of the Refinery Fund: Examining the challenges and providing solutions [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Performance Indicators Performance Analysis of Companies, Transferred to Private Sector (through stock exchange) During the Third Development Plan [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Performance of Companies The Relationship between Components of Ownership Structure and Tax Aggressiveness and moderating role of Firms’ Financial Performance [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 243-266]

  • Persistence Modeling Volatility of Daily Tehran Price Index (TEPIX) [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012]

  • Personal Income Investigation of Effective Factors on Precautionary Money Demand [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 229-251]

  • Personal Risk Investigation of Effective Factors on Precautionary Money Demand [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 229-251]

  • Personal Wealth Investigation of Effective Factors on Precautionary Money Demand [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 229-251]

  • Perspective Countries of Iran Impact of Globalization on the Development of Commercial Insurance: A Comparative Study Between Perspective Countries of Iran and Developed Countries [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 47-82]

  • Petroleum Products Stock Index The Effect of Exchange Fluctuations on the Petroleum Products Stock Index by using MS-VAR [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 153-177]

  • Philips Curve Extracting the Phillips Curve Based on Real Exchange Rate for the Iran Economy by Generalized Method of Moments [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 111-132]

  • Physical Capital The Role of Total Factor Productivity Growth in the Non-Oil Sector Growth of the Iranian Economy [Volume 17, Issue 31, 2011]

  • Physical Capital A Survey of the Effect of Production Factors on Energy Consumption Intensity in Iran: An Analysis Based on Cobb–Douglas Production Function [Volume 17, Issue 34, 2011]

  • Physical Investment and rate of Return Rate of returns expenditure research and development and physical investment in the Economic of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • Political Economy Look at the Causes Determined Political Economy of Oil and Gas in the Persian Gulf and the Strategy of Industrialized Countries Toward it [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Political Risk The Effect of Economic, Financial and Political Risk on the Risk and Return of Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 127-152]

  • Population Health The Impacts of Expenses for Population Health and Education of Human Resources on the Inflow of Foreign Direct Investments to Selected Islamic Country Members of MENA [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 201-218]

  • Portfolio optimization Portfolio optimization using the wavelet-based Bayesian MGARCH approach [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 133-164]

  • Poverty Review the effectiveness, Economic globalization on poverty according to two indicators of poverty, inflation and unemployment) Iran Case Study1984-2004( [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012]

  • Power Plant Feasibility Study of Commissioning a Power Capacity Market for High-Consuming Customers in Iran energy Stock [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 182-209]

  • Precautionary Demand for Money Investigation of Effective Factors on Precautionary Money Demand [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 229-251]

  • Predicting financial distress Application of K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) for Predicting Corporate Financial Distress in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 48-66]

  • Predicting methods Investigating and comparing the efficiency of econometric models (ARIMA and GARCH) and artificial intelligence (SVM and ANFIS) in predicting the price of cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin case study) [(Articles in Press)]

  • Predict of stock return Investigation of relation between intrinsic value and return of stock in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Premium Chargeable and Payable Analysis and Identification of the Public and Private Market Share of Insurance Chargeable and Payable Premiums and Forecasting of this Financial Market [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 275-295]

  • Present Bias Investigating the Effect of Saving Experience on Individuals’ Time Preferences [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 69-89]

  • Price-Book Value The Comparison of the Denoted Price in Government Firms Including Privatization with Two Models , Growth Index Model of the Value and Price-Book Value of Stock Model of Similar Firms [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Price bubble Relationship between Clarity of Stock Market Information and The Appearing of Price bubble [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 27-58]

  • Price Bubbles Examining the Price Bubbles in Iran’s Foreign Exchange Market Using Nonlinear State Space Model: An Application of Sigma-Point Kalman Filter (SPKF) [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 33-50]

  • Price Discovery Causality and Volatility spillover between Spot and Future Oil Market: Case of NYMEX [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 136-163]

  • Priced stocks The Comparison of the Denoted Price in Government Firms Including Privatization with Two Models , Growth Index Model of the Value and Price-Book Value of Stock Model of Similar Firms [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Price of crude oil Estimation of long-run relationship between crude oil price and real exchange rate of US dollar [Volume 17, Issue 30, 2011]

  • Price Stickiness Impact of Monetary Shocks on Economic Growth and Inflation in Iran –The Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Approach [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 1-29]

  • Prior-period Adjustments The Effect of Restated Informationon Prediction of Operating Earnings and Firms Ranking [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 175-201]

  • Private banks The Impact of Corporate Governance Principles on the Credit Risk of Private and Public Banks in Iran [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 31-56]

  • Private Consumption The Effect of Income Inequality on Private Consumption: The Case Study of MENA Countries [Volume 17, Issue 34, 2011]

  • Private Consumption Welfare Effects of Currency Substitution in Iran (1959-2013) [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 251-274]

  • Private investment The relationship between private investment and economic growth in Iran (With emphasis on endogenous economic growth model) [Volume 17, Issue 30, 2011]

  • Private investment The Relationship between Financial Development and Private Investment in Iran Economy [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • Privatization Privatization in the East Azerbaijan's Telecommunications Company and its Impact on Cost Reduction [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • Privatization The Comparison of the Denoted Price in Government Firms Including Privatization with Two Models , Growth Index Model of the Value and Price-Book Value of Stock Model of Similar Firms [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Privatization Performance Analysis of Companies, Transferred to Private Sector (through stock exchange) During the Third Development Plan [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Privatization Impact of Contextual Factors of Change on Commitment to Change in Process of Privatization in Organizations [Volume 17, Issue 34, 2011]

  • Privatization Consideration of Performance Changes in Outsourcing Process Power Distribution Company in Mashhad [Volume 17, Issue 34, 2011]

  • Privatization Investigate the failure of the privatization of the financial intermediaries (financial institutions) with patterns of organizational development [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2016]

  • Privatization Investigation of the Effect of Economic Adjustment Policies on Iran's Economic Growth Fluctuations [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 1-29]

  • Product competition market Modification Of Earning Manipulation Prediction Model With Emphasis On Environmental Variables And Hybrid Artificial Neural Network And Meta-Heuristic Algorithms [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2020, Pages 1-26]

  • Production function Determination and Analysis of Factors Productivity of Medium and Small Scale Manufactories in Toos Industrial Town [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • Productivity of Labor force The Impact of Labor Force Productivity on Income (Distribution for Selected Countries) [Volume 17, Issue 31, 2011]

  • Project Evaluation Financial Evaluation of Electricity Generation Using Solar Energy in Iran [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 105-126]

  • Public and Private Market Share of Insurance Analysis and Identification of the Public and Private Market Share of Insurance Chargeable and Payable Premiums and Forecasting of this Financial Market [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 275-295]


  • Quality Costing The Impact of Financial Requriements Imposed by the IKCO on the Profitability of Automotive Component Manufacturers [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 230-248]

  • Quality of Earnings The Effect of Quality of Earnings on Earnings Response Coefficients [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Quantile regression Investigating the Main Determinants of Inflation in Iran: Application of Hybrid New Keynsian Philips Curve Using Quantile Regression [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 115-134]

  • Quarterizing Qurterizing Time-series (A Case Study, Government Oil Revenues, Consumer Price Index and liquidity) [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012]


  • Raisin Investigating the Effects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Raisin Export Quantity and Price [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Random Coefficient Model Investigation of Simultaneous Effect of Some Factors on Poverty and Income of the Household and the Head of Household’s Economic Activity Status [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 171-189]

  • Ranking Ranking Effective Factors on Banking Resources in Semnan Province by Topsis Method [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 44-62]

  • Ranking companies Ranking of the insurance companies of North Khorasan Province TOPSIS method [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 69-87]

  • RDCGE model Investigating the effect of shock of macroeconomic variables on the performance of the country's banking system: [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 1-32]

  • RDCGE model Studying the Effect of Financial Friction and Development Shocks on Knowledge Base Index of Economic Sectors in Iran [(Articles in Press)]

  • R&D Investment Rate of returns expenditure research and development and physical investment in the Economic of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • Reaction Functions Examining the Functions of Central Bank’s Reaction Using Taylor’s Rule [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 155-180]

  • Real business cycles RBC Theory and the Current Financial Crisis [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2012]

  • Real Exchange Rate The Impact of Real Exchange Rate on Exports of Wood Industry and Paper Industry (1977-2010) [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 100-131]

  • Real Exchange Rate The Effect of Exchange Rate Uncertainty on Iran's Non-Oil Trade Balance: Stochastic Volatility Model Approach [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 49-80]

  • Real Exchange Rate Extracting the Phillips Curve Based on Real Exchange Rate for the Iran Economy by Generalized Method of Moments [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 111-132]

  • Real Exchange Rate The Relationship between Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Overshooting in Iran [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 110-136]

  • Real Exchange Rate Investigation of the Nonlinear Behavior of Real Exchange Rate in Iran [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 135-163]

  • Real exchange rate volatility The Effect of Real Exchange Rate Volatility on the Export of Iran’s Petrochemicals: Markov-Switching Approach [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 202-231]

  • Real Options and Option Pricing Investigation of Convenience Yield Effects on Oil Extraction in Sandy Oil Field: Application of Real Option [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 45-83]

  • Real shocks The effect of monetary and real shocks on oil investment in Iran with Bayesian vector Auto-regression approach (BVAR) [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 86-115]

  • Recurrent Neural Networks Cryptocurrency Price Prediction with GRU neural networks [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Regime Switching The Effect of Different Inflationary Regimes on the Dynamics of Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty in Iran [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 135-160]

  • Regulatory Agency The Impacts of Regulation Quality on the Development of Insurance Industry [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 167-191]

  • Regulatory and Supervisory Independence How the Independence of Central Bank Is Effective on the Financial Stability in Emerging Markets Countries? [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 132-151]

  • Regulatory bodies Regulatory Bodies Overseeing State Financial Contracts and Their Challenges [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2012]

  • Reinsurance Modeling of a Policy Framework to Expand Reinsurance Acceptance Capacity Through Catastrophic Accidents Bonds in the Insurance Industry [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 193-218]

  • Related Party Transactions Related Party Transactions and its Relationship with Effective or Opportunistic Behavior of Earnings Management [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 105-134]

  • Relative Nullity The Concept and Effects of Relative Nullity [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Relative Permanent Income Estimating marginal propensity to consume for income groups on the basis of relative permanent income hypothesis in Iran [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • Relative Price Survey the Relative Prices Reform Efficiency in the Context of Difference between Objectives of Structural Adjustment and its Consequences [Volume 17, Issue 30, 2011]

  • Renewable resources Financial Evaluation of Electricity Generation Using Solar Energy in Iran [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 105-126]

  • Residual Discrepancy Method Informal Economy in Iran and The Effect of Inflation on It [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Resource Abundance The Impact of Good Governance on the Relationship between Resource Abundance and Financial Development in Oil Countries [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 90-114]

  • Resource Financing The Effect of Resources Financing and Interlocking Stockholders on the Tehran Stock Exchange Market’s Response to Reported Earnings of Companies [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 116-135]

  • Restatement The Effect of Restated Informationon Prediction of Operating Earnings and Firms Ranking [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 175-201]

  • Restructuring The Impact of Restructuring on Efficiency of the Iran’s Electricity Industry [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Retrospective The Concept and Effects of Relative Nullity [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Return The optimal combination of investment in assets in different conditions of the stock market using the Mean-VaR model [(Articles in Press)]

  • Return of Education Estimation of Education and Experience Effect on Personal Income [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Rial letter of credit (Rial L/C) Designing a modle for prioritizing Rial letter of credit applicants: a solution for developing the credit services in Bank Saderat of Iran [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Risk Using VaR and Selection an Optimal Portfolio by Monte Carlo Simulation Technique (MCS) in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 17, Issue 31, 2011]

  • Risk A Study on Capital Asset Pricing Model with Different Approaches to Risk in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 146-166]

  • Risk The Effects of Insurance Industry Development on Economic Growth and Income Distribution in Iran [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 1-26]

  • Risk The optimal combination of investment in assets in different conditions of the stock market using the Mean-VaR model [(Articles in Press)]

  • Risk Management Using VaR and Selection an Optimal Portfolio by Monte Carlo Simulation Technique (MCS) in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 17, Issue 31, 2011]

  • Risk Management Comparing the Effects of Formal Information and Rumors on Choice of Real Stock Buyers in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Risk Management The effect of enterprise risk management on the supply and demand of commercial credit [(Articles in Press)]

  • Risk Premium Investigating the Impact of Economic Variables on the Formation of Future marker Crude Oil [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 219-243]

  • Road Transport of Passengers An Economic Evaluation of Road Passengers Transport Vehicles in Mazandaran [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012]

  • Rolling Regression Investigating the Role of Financial Development on the Effects of Natural Resource Rents on other Kinds of Capital in Iran [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 30-68]

  • Rolling Regression A Survey of the Impact of Financial Development on the Relationship between Natural Resource Rents and Augmented Trust in Iran [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 137-166]

  • Rule-based policy Inflation, budget deficit and discretionary monetary policy (Within the framework of Nash equilibrium and mixed strategic games) [(Articles in Press)]

  • Rule of Law Assessing the Relationship between Commercial Risk and Volume of Opening of Letter of Credit in Iran International Trade Logistic Smooth Transition Regression Approach [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 348-378]

  • Runs test Relationship between Clarity of Stock Market Information and The Appearing of Price bubble [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 27-58]


  • Safe Haven Investigating the Dynamic Conditional Correlation Between Crude Oil and Bitcoin with an Emphasis on Covid-19 [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Securities Modeling of a Policy Framework to Expand Reinsurance Acceptance Capacity Through Catastrophic Accidents Bonds in the Insurance Industry [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 193-218]

  • Seemingly Unrelated Regression Investigating the Factors Affecting the Error of Predicting Iran Government Budget Expenditures [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Seemingly Unrelated Regressions (SUR) The Intertemporal Capital Asset Pricing Model with Time-Varying Conditional Covariances [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 1-29]

  • Selected OPEC Member Countries The Impact of Central Bank Transparency on Exchange Rate volatility in Selected OPEC Member Countries [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 72-109]

  • Self-Attribution Bias The Mediating Effect of Overconfidence of managers on the Relationship between Attribution Bias and Performance of Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Semnan Province Ranking Effective Factors on Banking Resources in Semnan Province by Topsis Method [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 44-62]

  • Shannon entropy The Effect of Restated Informationon Prediction of Operating Earnings and Firms Ranking [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 175-201]

  • Shareholder rights The Impact of Corporate Governance Principles on the Credit Risk of Private and Public Banks in Iran [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 31-56]

  • Shareholder's Culture Investigating the Perspective of OTC Institutional Investors and Brokers' in Relation to Variables of Affecting Promoting Shareholdings Culture in Iran [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 30-44]

  • Sigma-Point Kalman Filter Examining the Price Bubbles in Iran’s Foreign Exchange Market Using Nonlinear State Space Model: An Application of Sigma-Point Kalman Filter (SPKF) [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 33-50]

  • Simultaneous Equation System Survey the Relative Prices Reform Efficiency in the Context of Difference between Objectives of Structural Adjustment and its Consequences [Volume 17, Issue 30, 2011]

  • Simultaneous Equation System Investigating the Role of Financial Development on the Effects of Natural Resource Rents on other Kinds of Capital in Iran [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 30-68]

  • Size The Survey of relationship between risk and stock return in Tehran Securities Exchange : Study of momentum effect and liquidity Premium [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 48-104]

  • Sloan earnings prediction model The Effect of Restated Informationon Prediction of Operating Earnings and Firms Ranking [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 175-201]

  • Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) The Study of Efficiency of Comercial and Specialized Banking System in Small and Medium Enterprises on the Development of Cooperation (Ardebil Province) [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2013]

  • Smoothing Examining the Functions of Central Bank’s Reaction Using Taylor’s Rule [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 155-180]

  • Smooth Transition Autoregressive Model Investigation of the Nonlinear Behavior of Real Exchange Rate in Iran [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 135-163]

  • Social capital The Comparative Study of Social Capital in Kerman City Public Banks [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Social Security Fund The Determination of The Optimal Portfolio of Pension Funds in Iran [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 1-32]

  • Social Sustainability Performance Analysis of Social Sustainability Performance and its impact on the cost of equity in companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 155-196]

  • Social Sustainability Performance Indicator Analysis of Social Sustainability Performance and its impact on the cost of equity in companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 155-196]

  • Social Sustainability Reporting Index Analysis of Social Sustainability Performance and its impact on the cost of equity in companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 155-196]

  • Social Welfare The Effect of Size of Government on Human Development: By using panel Data Approach [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2013]

  • South West Asia Trade Potential for the Countries of the South West Asia Region Block [Volume 17, Issue 31, 2011]

  • Spatial Econometrics The effect of banks' performance on the economic integration of provinces: an approach Spatial econometrics [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • Stability Estimation of Money Demand Function in Iran with Cointegration and Error Correction Models Approach [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 1-26]

  • State banking Assessing the performance of development banking in Iran's economy; Using a composite Indicator [(Articles in Press)]

  • State financial contracts Regulatory Bodies Overseeing State Financial Contracts and Their Challenges [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2012]

  • State-Space Approach Empirical Analysis of Existence of the Mundell's Relationship between Interest Rate and Inflation in Iran: A State-Space Approach [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 219-238]

  • State Space Model Inflation Targeting according to Taylor's and McCallum’s Time-Varying Rules in Iran [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 200-228]

  • State-Space Model Studying Time Inconsistency in Iran’s Economy Using Cointegration and Kalman Filter Approach [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 51-76]

  • Static and Dynamic Approach Investigation of the Moderating Role of the Firm's Growth Opportunities and Profitability on the Value Relevance of Risk Sentiment of Annual Reports with a Dynamic Approach [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 261-290]

  • Stochastic Volatility Model The Effect of Exchange Rate Uncertainty on Iran's Non-Oil Trade Balance: Stochastic Volatility Model Approach [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 49-80]

  • Stock Exchange Performance Analysis of Companies, Transferred to Private Sector (through stock exchange) During the Third Development Plan [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Stock Exchange Investigating the effect of central bank independence on Capital market performance (Comparison of developed and developing countries) [(Articles in Press)]

  • Stock Exchange Index The Impact of Symmetric and Asymmetric Oil Shocks on the Total Price Index in the Tehran Stock Exchange Market [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 30-61]

  • Stock Industries The Determination of The Optimal Portfolio of Pension Funds in Iran [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 1-32]

  • Stock Market Stock Market in Economic Growth: The Case of MENA Countries [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 29-47]

  • Stock Market The Study of Financial Contagion among Stock Market, Exchange and Gold Coin in Iran [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2016]

  • Stock Market The Impact of Oil Price Volatility on Tehran Stock Market at Sector-Level: A Variance Decomposition Approach [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 205-236]

  • Stock Market A comparative study of the effectiveness of financing from the banking system and the stock market on the performance of firms [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 61-85]

  • Stock Market The role of stock market timing theory on the capital structure of companies active in the capital market: a case study of the electricity and power plant industry [(Articles in Press)]

  • Stock price index of Tehran Stock Exchange Investigating Economic and Behavioral Factors Affecting on the Growth of Stock Price Index in the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 47-71]

  • Stock Prices Monetary Policy and Asset Prices Volatility in Iran [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012]

  • Stock return Modeling Volatility of Daily Tehran Price Index (TEPIX) [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012]

  • Stock return Comparing the Influential of Stock Return of Selected Exporter and Importer Industries from the Exchange Rate Fluctuations [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 93-132]

  • Stock return The Effect of Firm Size on Stock Returns: Evidence from a Panel Nonlinear Co-integration Model for Iran Stock Market [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 239-254]

  • Stock return Studying the Asymmetric Effects of Exchange Rate on the Return of Selective Industries in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 167-200]

  • Stock selection Comparing the Effects of Formal Information and Rumors on Choice of Real Stock Buyers in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • Strategic planning Utilizing Comprehensive Framework for Strategy Formulation to Improve National Innovation System of Iran [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 259-286]

  • Structural Adjustment Survey the Relative Prices Reform Efficiency in the Context of Difference between Objectives of Structural Adjustment and its Consequences [Volume 17, Issue 30, 2011]

  • Structural autoregressive model Examination of the Effect of the Shock Caused by Monetary Policy and Oil Revenue on Inflation and Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 29-46]

  • Structural Characteristics Impact of Globalization on Tax Revenue in Selected Developing Countries with a Panel Data Approach [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 164-186]

  • Structural Equations Model The effect of ownership structure and corporate governance on performance of banks: using structural equations approach [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 223-248]

  • Structural VAR A Survey of the Effects of Trade Shocks on Macroeconomics Variables in Different Exchange Rate Regimes by Using Structural VAR in Developing Countries [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 59-87]

  • Structural VAR Approach Monetary Policy and Asset Prices Volatility in Iran [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012]

  • Super Neutral Money Analysis the Non-Neutrality of Monetary Policy Effects through Nominal Interest Rate in the Generalized Sidrauski's Model in Iran's Economy: Optimal Control Approach [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 109-136]

  • Supply of Money The Role of new Financial Technology (Finteches) on Monetary Base Usages in Iran [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 116-157]

  • Sustainable development Knowledge Based Economy and Sustainable Development [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Sustainable development Human Development and Sustainable Development in Selected Oil Exporting Countries [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Sustainable development Investigating the status of sustainable development indicators in Ahvaz preschool curriculum [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2023]

  • SVM model Investigating and comparing the efficiency of econometric models (ARIMA and GARCH) and artificial intelligence (SVM and ANFIS) in predicting the price of cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin case study) [(Articles in Press)]


  • Tangibility An Investigation of Determinants of Capital Structure of Affiliated and Unaffiliated firms in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 210-233]

  • Target Costing The Impact of Financial Requriements Imposed by the IKCO on the Profitability of Automotive Component Manufacturers [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 230-248]

  • Tax Aggressive Policies The Relationship between Components of Ownership Structure and Tax Aggressiveness and moderating role of Firms’ Financial Performance [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 243-266]

  • Tax avoidance Investigating the moderating role of tax avoidance on the relationship between corporate reputation and implicit cost of capital [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 105-126]

  • Tax Evasion The impact of Tax Shocks on the Iranian Official and Underground Economy within the Framework of Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models (DSGE) [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 111-134]

  • Tax Revenue Impact of Globalization on Tax Revenue in Selected Developing Countries with a Panel Data Approach [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 164-186]

  • Taylor and McCallum Rule Inflation Targeting according to Taylor's and McCallum’s Time-Varying Rules in Iran [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 200-228]

  • Taylor’s Rule Examining the Functions of Central Bank’s Reaction Using Taylor’s Rule [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 155-180]

  • Technical Efficiency Ranking the Iranian provinces by technical efficiency of industrial sector by applying DEA method [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • Technical Efficiency Investigating Efficiency of Mellat Bank Branches in the North Khorasan Province by Using DEA ApproachKhorasan Province Using DEA Approach [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 74-99]

  • Technology A Survey of the Effect of Production Factors on Energy Consumption Intensity in Iran: An Analysis Based on Cobb–Douglas Production Function [Volume 17, Issue 34, 2011]

  • Technology shocks RBC Theory and the Current Financial Crisis [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2012]

  • Tehran Stock Exchange Information Content of Book Value and Net Income in Weak and Strong Companies: An Empirical Study [Volume 17, Issue 30, 2011]

  • Tehran Stock Exchange The Relationship between Corporate Governance Mechanisms and Firm Performance after Initial Public Offerings: Evidence from Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • Tehran Stock Exchange Relationship between Clarity of Stock Market Information and The Appearing of Price bubble [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 27-58]

  • Tehran Stock Exchange Evaluating the Energy Efficiency of the Companies Admitted to Tehran Stock Exchange (A Case Study: Cement Industry) [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 106-120]

  • Tehran Stock Exchange The Effect of Macroeconomic and Governance Factors on Financial Distress in Manufacture Firms Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 107-127]

  • Tehran Stock Exchange A Study on Capital Asset Pricing Model with Different Approaches to Risk in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 146-166]

  • Tehran Stock Exchange Capability of models Support Vector Regression, Least Angle Regression and Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System for Earning Per Share forecasting [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 161-188]

  • Tehran Stock Exchange Studying the Asymmetric Effects of Exchange Rate on the Return of Selective Industries in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 167-200]

  • Tehran Stock Exchange Effectiveness of the Financial Structure of Listed Companies from New Islamic Financing Instruments [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 201-232]

  • Tehran Stock Exchange The effect of enterprise risk management on the supply and demand of commercial credit [(Articles in Press)]

  • Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) Application of K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) for Predicting Corporate Financial Distress in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 48-66]

  • Tehran Stock Market Price Index The Asymmetric Effects of the Oil Price Shocks on Iran Stock Market Price Index [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 29-56]

  • Tejarat Bank Comparison of Performance Classical and Neural Networks Models for Estimation Credit risk and Capacity Customers: Evidence from Tejarat bank [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 88-115]

  • Telecommunications Privatization in the East Azerbaijan's Telecommunications Company and its Impact on Cost Reduction [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • Temporal disaggregation Qurterizing Time-series (A Case Study, Government Oil Revenues, Consumer Price Index and liquidity) [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012]

  • Terms of Trade A Survey of the Effects of Trade Shocks on Macroeconomics Variables in Different Exchange Rate Regimes by Using Structural VAR in Developing Countries [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 59-87]

  • Terms of Trade The effect of equilibrium exchange rate deviations on Iraq foreign trade [(Articles in Press)]

  • Text mining Measuring the Media-based Economic Uncertainty index by Machine Learning Algorithms in Iran and its Effect on the Exchange Rate [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 1-46]

  • TFP The Effects of research & development expenditures on patent flow and economic growth: A comparative analysis between developed and developing countries [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • TFP The Role of Total Factor Productivity Growth in the Non-Oil Sector Growth of the Iranian Economy [Volume 17, Issue 31, 2011]

  • The Book-To-Market Ratio The Survey of relationship between risk and stock return in Tehran Securities Exchange : Study of momentum effect and liquidity Premium [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 48-104]

  • The globalization of economic The impact of the Globalization of Econiomic on Employment in Iran and some other developing countries [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • The rating method Comparing the Effects of Formal Information and Rumors on Choice of Real Stock Buyers in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2011]

  • The value Relevance of risk sentiment Investigation of the Moderating Role of the Firm's Growth Opportunities and Profitability on the Value Relevance of Risk Sentiment of Annual Reports with a Dynamic Approach [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 261-290]

  • Threshold Autoregressive Model Investigation of the Nonlinear Behavior of Real Exchange Rate in Iran [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 135-163]

  • Time Inconsistency Studying Time Inconsistency in Iran’s Economy Using Cointegration and Kalman Filter Approach [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 51-76]

  • Timeliness The Survey of Effective Factors on the Timeliness of Annual Earnings Announcements in Listed Firms in Tehran stock Exchange [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 86-105]

  • Time scale Portfolio optimization using the wavelet-based Bayesian MGARCH approach [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 133-164]

  • Time Series The Impact of Symmetric and Asymmetric Oil Shocks on the Total Price Index in the Tehran Stock Exchange Market [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 30-61]

  • Time Variable Parameter A new approach to modeling factors affecting housing prices (TVP-DMA&TVP-FAVAR approach) [(Articles in Press)]

  • Time Varying Parameters Inflation Targeting according to Taylor's and McCallum’s Time-Varying Rules in Iran [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 200-228]

  • Time-Varying Trend Analysis of Oil Market Efficiency) the Case of OPEC ( [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012]

  • Tobit econometric model The Effective Factors on Bank Loan Recovery Rate of Keshavarzi of Khorasan Razavi Province,-Iran (Application of Tobit Econometrics Model) [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 189-216]

  • Toos industrial town Determination and Analysis of Factors Productivity of Medium and Small Scale Manufactories in Toos Industrial Town [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • Top-Performing Stock Selection of Top-Performing Stock Using CAN SLIM Strategy and Application of Ichimoku Clouds in Determining Time for Inclusion and Exclusion of Such Stock [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2019, Pages 77-108]

  • TOPSIS Ranking Effective Factors on Banking Resources in Semnan Province by Topsis Method [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 44-62]

  • TOPSIS method Ranking of the insurance companies of North Khorasan Province TOPSIS method [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 69-87]

  • Tourism Investigatinng and Specifying the Development of Tourism Industry in Golestan Province [Volume 17, Issue 30, 2011]

  • Trade Balance Estimation of Nominal Exchange Rate Deviation from Long-Run Equilibrium Path [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 183-207]

  • Trade potential Trade Potential for the Countries of the South West Asia Region Block [Volume 17, Issue 31, 2011]

  • Trading partners The Importance of Trading Partners’ Economic Growth on Economic Growth: the Case Study of OPEC Member Countries [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • Transfer channels Channels of Transmition the Effects of Monetary Policies on Inflation in Iran's Economy by Using Markov Switching Vector Autoregressive Approach [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 87-104]

  • Translog cost function The Evaluation of the Relationship between Cost Efficiency and Competition in Iran’s Banking Industry [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 81-104]

  • TSE The Effect of Restated Informationon Prediction of Operating Earnings and Firms Ranking [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 175-201]

  • Turkey The Estimation of Marquez’s Bilateral Import Function for Iran and Turkey by Using ARDL [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 232-258]


  • Unanticipated Cash The Effect of Anticipated and Unanticipated Cash on Economic Growth of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2013]

  • Uncertainty Designing Optimum Monetary and Fiscal Policies of Iran Under Uncertainty in Micro-Founded Macroeconomic Model [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2013]

  • Uncertainty The Effect of Exchange Rate Uncertainty on Iran's Non-Oil Trade Balance: Stochastic Volatility Model Approach [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 49-80]

  • Underground Economy The impact of Tax Shocks on the Iranian Official and Underground Economy within the Framework of Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models (DSGE) [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 111-134]

  • Unexpected Earnings The Effect of Quality of Earnings on Earnings Response Coefficients [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Unfair Distribution of Income Estimating marginal propensity to consume for income groups on the basis of relative permanent income hypothesis in Iran [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • Unit Root Tests An Examination of Foreign Exchange Market Efficiency Hypothesis: A Case Study of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]


  • Validation Determinants of Customer’s Credit Risks in Commercial Banks (Case Study: Tejarat Bank of Neka, Mazandaran Province) [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2016]

  • Value of issues and redemptions A Survey on Iranian Stock Exchange Market and Determination of Influencing Factors onAnnual Return of Mutual Funds [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 128-152]

  • VAR, Demand and Supply Function of Export The Impact of Real Exchange Rate on Exports of Wood Industry and Paper Industry (1977-2010) [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 100-131]

  • Variable Rate Securities (VARs) Investigation the Applicability of Floating Securities in Order to Develop Financial System of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 67-85]

  • Variance Decomposition The Asymmetric Effects of the Oil Price Shocks on Iran Stock Market Price Index [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 29-56]

  • Variance Decomposition (VD) Impact of Inflation Uncertainty on Iran Economic Growth (Using EGARCH and VECM methods (1971-2007)) [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • VaR Model The Determination of The Optimal Portfolio of Pension Funds in Iran [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 1-32]

  • VaR Model Fisher's theory analysis in Iranian economy (application of VAR and VECM model) [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 292-326]

  • VAR models An Investigation of the Asymmetric Effects of Oil Price Fluctuations on the Composition of the Government's Expenditures in Iran (The application of Mork and Hamilton Definitions) [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2016]

  • VECM Impact of Inflation Uncertainty on Iran Economic Growth (Using EGARCH and VECM methods (1971-2007)) [Volume 16, Issue 29, 2009]

  • Vector Autoregression Investigation the Effect of Mandatory Facilities on Inflation in the Iranian Economy by using the VAR model [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 164-200]

  • Vector Autoregression (VAR) The Asymmetric Effects of the Oil Price Shocks on Iran Stock Market Price Index [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 29-56]

  • Vector Autoregressive Model The Relationship between Financial Development and Private Investment in Iran Economy [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • Vector Error Correction Study on the Impacts of Exchange Rate Shocks and Gap of GDP on Inflation in Iran [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) Examine the Causal relationship between consumer price index (CPI) and producer price index (PPI) by using vector error correct model (VECM) and Granger causality [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 208-229]

  • Vocational Training The Effect of Technical-Vocational Training on Labor Productivity in Industrial Sector of Khorasan [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]

  • VOLARE index Evaluating Resilience of Iran’s Banking System and its Affecting Factors [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 255-276]

  • Volatilities Foreign Exchange rate Volatilies, Government Debt to the Banks and Current Government Spending: Wavelet Transform approach [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 1-28]

  • Volatility The analysis of volatility of gold coin price fluctuations in Iran using ARCH models [Volume 17, Issue 30, 2011]

  • Volatility Modeling Volatility of Daily Tehran Price Index (TEPIX) [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012]

  • Volatility The Relationship between Inflation Uncertainty and the Bank Loan Facilities Granted [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 135-154]

  • Volatility Transmission of Volatility between Stock Markets of Iran, India and Turkey Using BEKK-GARCH Model [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 77-92]

  • Volatility Investigation of the Effect of Economic Adjustment Policies on Iran's Economic Growth Fluctuations [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2021, Pages 1-29]

  • Volatility Feedback Theory The effects of anticipated and unanticipated stock return volatility on stock return of Automobile manufacturing industries in Tehran Stock Market [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013]

  • Volatility of Stock Index The Effect of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on the Stock Market Index and the Price of Gold Coins [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 57-73]

  • Volatility Spillover Causality and Volatility spillover between Spot and Future Oil Market: Case of NYMEX [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 136-163]

  • Volatility Spillover The Impact of Oil Price Volatility on Tehran Stock Market at Sector-Level: A Variance Decomposition Approach [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 205-236]

  • Volatility Spillover The Comparison of the Impact of Momentum and the Memory of Past Market Turbulence on the Current Turbulence of Financial Markets with an Emphasis on Cryptocurrencies: MGARCH Model [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 1-34]

  • Volume of the Informal Economy Informal Economy in Iran and The Effect of Inflation on It [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2011]


  • Washington Consensus Survey the Relative Prices Reform Efficiency in the Context of Difference between Objectives of Structural Adjustment and its Consequences [Volume 17, Issue 30, 2011]

  • Wavelet Portfolio optimization using the wavelet-based Bayesian MGARCH approach [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 133-164]

  • Wavelet transform Foreign Exchange rate Volatilies, Government Debt to the Banks and Current Government Spending: Wavelet Transform approach [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2020, Pages 1-28]

  • Weak and Strong Firms Information Content of Book Value and Net Income in Weak and Strong Companies: An Empirical Study [Volume 17, Issue 30, 2011]

  • Welfare Welfare Effects of Currency Substitution in Iran (1959-2013) [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 251-274]

  • Welfare Cost function Designing Optimum Monetary and Fiscal Policies of Iran Under Uncertainty in Micro-Founded Macroeconomic Model [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2013]

  • West Texas Intermediate oil Causality and Volatility spillover between Spot and Future Oil Market: Case of NYMEX [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 136-163]

  • Whale algorithm Presenting an Efficient Model of Government Budget Allocation to The Provinces of The Country with a Combined Approach [(Articles in Press)]

  • Willingness to pay Comparing WTP and Rationtioning Energy Policies for Gazoline and Dual-Consumption Automobiles in Mashhad [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 156-181]

  • Window Analysis The Optimum Scale Activity and Stability of Pure Technical Efficiency in the Commercial Banking System of Iran with DEA Window Analysis (1991-2006) [Volume 17, Issue 34, 2011]

  • Window Analysis Consideration of Performance Changes in Outsourcing Process Power Distribution Company in Mashhad [Volume 17, Issue 34, 2011]

  • Wood Industry The Impact of Real Exchange Rate on Exports of Wood Industry and Paper Industry (1977-2010) [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 100-131]


  • Yazd province textile industry Main Factors on Export Development in Textile Industry (The Case of Yazd Province Textile Industry) [Volume 17, Issue 31, 2011]


  • Zellners’ g-prior Analysis of the Association between Bank Credit and Economic Growth [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2016]